Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

fair and balanced

The woke crew with the knitted scarves will be gutted Donbass sees no difference between them and the Catalan struggle

“Reasonable demands”

It’s the Grand Social now.

Lithuanian work colleague isn’t on the least bit worried about the whole affair.

Says NATO have brought this onto themselves by continually messing about in Eastern Europe.

As regards Russia starting a war, he laughed. Won’t happen.

I hope he’s correct.

Given his judgement on this:

I wouldn’t think much of his judgement on this.

At this point I think the “view” that NATO are somehow to blame for this crisis is simply something some people say to try and appear knowledgeable when they haven’t a clue.

It’s sort of the geopolitical equivalent of “That would be an ecumenical matter”.

No doubt Putin is a dangerous individual.

But, the Western Media are never going to give a balanced view on this.
It seems that most Eastern Europe nationals I’ve spoken to recently don’t appear too worried about Russia or Putin.

But, they believe that Americas influence in the area is unwelcome and that they tend to cause more dispute than they resolve continually.

Putin is a serious problem but America/NATO cannot be just absolved of responsibility in this current situation.

Just like COVID, we can be sure that there is a lot of profit being generated for a small few in this current mess.


Is this thing wokes against Putin, anti wokes for putin?

Is your Lithuanian friend a native Russian speaker by any chance?


There is no such a thing as a “balanced” view on this. This is black and white.

Putin made plain for the world last night exactly what he is. He is a Hitler like dictator with grand designs on the continent.

After last night, there is no more excuse for anybody out there to not realise what he is.

Every country in central and eastern Europe that has joined NATO has done so freely, because they know from bitter experience that the alternative is the Russian jackboot.

None of this is about NATO or ever was. It has always been about Putin’s criminality and lust for absolute power, imperial power.

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The anti-woke cult is the very decadence and depravity that has so undermined the west and threatens to fatally undermine it.

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The woke cult has undermined the west, Putin and Xi are laughing at us.

According to the woke, Fox News are responsible for Putin being emboldened, rather than Biden giving him the green light for a “minor” incursion.

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I cant understand why Putin did nothing when he had his shill in the White House, and instead did his moves before and after his spell there.

That said, Russia invading Ukraine is, at least, 95% Russia’s fault.

Because his shill was unpredictable.

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The big issue is that in all of these border nations to Russia there are cohorts of the population who are Pro Russia.

That’s the question the woke can’t answer. America lost any status it had as a global leader when Biden ran with his tail between his legs from Afghanistan. That is what has empowered Putin (and Xi when he takes Taiwan), they know the US will do fuck all.

but, but… Tucker Carlson, who obviously is Biden’s foreign policy advisor.

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It’s an issue yeah.

Sure Latvia wont even give 10% of their own people passports because they consider themselves Russian

So both are anti Putin but they couldn’t find common ground for once and the fault line is that they both blame each other for his actions?
Sounds about right is there anything the stupid cunts can agree on?

Biden is on now