Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

My grasp of geopolitics is second to none

NATO needs to be disbanded

They want Eastern Ukraine where all the ethnic Russians live.

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NATO does not want Ukraine as a member

Ireland does not get a say because Ireland does not pay

Mining areas all around Donetsk are majority Russian leaning , same as Crimea.

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They don’t give much of a fuck about ethnic Russians. They don’t want Ukraine getting European notions about democracy and the like that might spread to Russia.

Not a hope of that happening anytime soon.

Ukraine wants to become another EU puppet state and the Eurocrats want this sizable land under their purview.

The notion they don’t fix elections to keep pro Russians out, so this goal can be achieved, is fanciful

They basically want to veto Ukraine joining NATO or the EU or generally getting closer to Europe. “The west” can hold firm on their principles that anyone can join them and Ukraine can do what it wants, in which case Russia just invades Ukraine and no one will challenge them. Or, they can come to some sort of arrangement that pacifies Russia and Ukraine doesn’t get invaded.

Is Ukraine the one who insalled a comedian as President? Thats kinda funny

What? :joy:

Grown ups are talking here lad. Keep your emojis and lack of understanding for somewhere more appropriate. I’m sure there’s an X factor thread for you

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What is the purpose of NATO in 2022?

Serious anti-Russian racism here.

You tell me.

To antagonize Russia

Says who?

That is it’s sole purpose

NATO is obsolete. The Europeans might change their tune if the Americans pack up and go home.

How so?