Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

It’ll be more fun if they get to the final

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@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy will be very conflicted about the game this evening

The Ukrainian partisans won World War 2

Yes. Yes we must all get behind the blue and gold this weekend.

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The Soviet Union collapsed on December 26th, 1991. The Nazi thug Putin is obsessed with symbolism and historical dates. Just saying.

Someone tell @buffegan

Russophobia alive and well on this forum.

Sad nothing is done about it.

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Fuck Russia, glory to Ukraine

Fuck Russia

KYIV — After massing some 100,000 troops near Ukraine’s border in recent weeks, the Biden Administration says it believes Russia is preparing to again invade its Eastern European neighbor.

“The United States is concerned that the Russian Government is preparing for an invasion into Ukraine that may result in widespread human rights violations and war crimes should diplomacy fail to meet their objectives,” a US official told BuzzFeed News Friday.

“As part of its plans, Russia is laying the groundwork to have the option of fabricating a pretext for invasion, including through sabotage activities and information operations, by accusing Ukraine of preparing an imminent attack against Russian forces in eastern Ukraine.”

The statement, on the heels of unsuccessful high-stake negotiations between the US, NATO, and Russia, was Washington’s strongest and most ominous yet on the latest Russian aggression targeting Ukraine.

Anyone who peoples the neo-liberal capitalist US propaganda on Russia would need their head examined.

The US is a cesspit.

Is there a cohort of the population that are happy to see Russia invading or is the vast majority happy with their Independence and ready to fight here?

Last thing the World, Europe & Ireland need is turmoil in the Eastern / Western corridor of Europe.

cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy aka Tase

go Vlad


There is a cohort

There’s a lot of talking and shaping going on by both sides. When Putin wanted Crimea he just went and took it. This is a posturing position to get concessions. They don’t want Ukraine in Nato or Europe. That’s not their call to make obviously, but the US wouldn’t be long doing the same were Mexico agreeing to host Russian war heads, see Cuba for an actual example.

The problem now is how to get them to walk back when neither will give.

WW3 won’t start over the Ukraine, but a Korean style war where both sides ploughed money into their factions would certainly be on the cards.

The Poles won’t be happy to cede an inch here, like wise the baltics as they are next, so they could well go in behind the Ukraine.

Let’s hope no spark ignites while they measuring dicks

Your sphere of expertise is of considerable range mate, calling complex geopolitical positions with such precision, unreal even.

If you believe the Russians.

In the part they already took, arguably. In the rest of it, no.

Mother Russia has a right to defend herself against NATO agresssion


You don’t mass 120k troops unless you plan to use them. They’re planning to take a chunk out of Ukraine alright. Difficult to see how they can be walked back. On Poland etc I don’t think that’s an issue.

What would Paddy Neutral hiding under the bed know about it?