Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Ah thats fucking priceless!!!

President Trump is enjoying his retirement in Florida.

Former Vice President Biden is leading the effort now. Unfortunately Biden gave Putin the green light.

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Does the average Russian actually support this?

Is there any chance there’s a rebellion of sorts ?

Do you think Russia is a democracy?


I’m sure the attack is being covered in a balanced fashion in the Russian media.

No but like If enough of the public come together could he be over thrown ? Like there must be more reasonable in Russia than unreasonable.

Have you not been watching the last 2 years?

Not really no.

Speaking out in Russia isn’t good for your health


Decent summary here on the strength of the various forces and likely targets over the coming days

Russia has amassed over 150,000 combat troops on the borders of Ukraine, with another 34,000 lightly armed separatist forces in the pro-Russian statelets of Donetsk and Luhansk. That amounts to an estimated two-thirds of Russia’s total ground forces. Half of Moscow’s air force is also deployed in the region.

The invasion of Ukraine is set to be the biggest war seen in the world since the US led invasion of Iraq in 2003, in which around 175,000 troops were deployed; and Western military leaders have warned could lead to the most serious fighting in Europe since the end of the Second World War.

Western defence sources have said they expect Russia to invade on “multiple axes” of attack - but the key focus is expected to be the capital Kyiv, which has a population of around 3m. They believe Russian president Vladimir Putin wants to engage in “regime change” in Kyiv, encircling the city with its military and hoping to oust its President Volodymyr Zelenskiy without engaging in urban warfare.

Britain has warned that Russia’s FSB spy agency has been tasked with delivering Kyiv and Ukraine’s other major cities, while the US has gone further and claimed that Russian officials have drawn up lists of Ukrainian figures to round up in areas where its military has attained control. Ukraine has a regular army that numbers 125,600 according to the International Institute of Strategic Studies, but has mobilised its reserves of at least 36,000. Many others in the country have said they are willing to fight, and there are around 300,000 people who have had military experience of fighting in the east, some of whom may join an armed resistance.

Kyiv’s military is largely concentrated in the east of the country, near the occupied Donbas region, and Western analysts believe a key goal of early Russian operations will be to try and degrade Ukraine’s fighting forces. Russia also has significant advantages in air power ; its total air force has 1,172 combat aircraft against Ukraine’s 124, according to the IISS; whilst Russia’s navy is dominant in the northern Black Sea where there are concerns that the Kremlin may try to launch a sea based attack on Odessa.

Although Ukraine has sought to modernise its military over the past year, receiving Javelin anti-tank missiles from the US, shorter range anti-tank weapons from the UK, and a small number of TB2 drones from Turkey, the bulk of its army and equipment are older versions of equipment whose designs date back to the Soviet era and will be familiar to Russian generals. There will be no direct military support from Nato as Ukraine is not a member of the military alliance.

Having driven around Maruipol for over an hour now, i think i can safely say reports of Russian landing here/takeover false.

— Richard Engel (@RichardEngel) February 24, 2022

The situation is fluid

They haven’t landed but they’ve bombed the shit of it

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Obama wouldn’t give them air defence missile systems.

Their air defences are shawlder mounted

Just asking and not stirring the pot here, but how is Russia invading Ukraine different to the USA invading Iraq?

Are you saying the Ukraine has fake weapons of mass destruction?


Even putting that aside, I’m sure if I looked I could find where Russia (and China) condemned the US lead invasion of Iraq. How, at a high level, is this different. The US had a beef with Iraq and it invaded due to national security. Russia have an ongoing beef with Ukraine and have invaded. What’s the difference? Both were/are wrong IMO.

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Why don’t they ship a load of Irish soccer fans over to form a protective “Poznan” around Kiev? They could help to change tyres on the tanks too.


Both wrong

John Delaney could buy pints for the Ukrainian troops