Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Did you forget that Iraq invaded Kuwait first?

This mornings news is a decisive internet victory for @Cheasty over the edgy pro Russian Limerick hurling crew.

Chapeau @Cheasty, chapeau.


I am very sad about these developments. I weep for the world. I just want everyone to get along.


As a protective measure against Russian cyberbots I’m replacing the O in Wexford with a 0 in the TFK admin password. It feels a little underhand but that’s the nature of modern warfare.


We’ve sent the bombers into Aughinish

Just saw pictures there, it’s in a bad way, nothing left just fields of red dust


2nd wave of missle strikes underway

Tony Connelly tweeting that he has been moved to the basement of his hotel.

Any chance of a summary of the thread? Who are the Pro-Putin crew?

I see some chap called “Yuri” is in the queue to be verified as a new TFK member as of this morning. :anguished:


A lad on RTE radio 1 warning people to treat the INTERNET as hostile for the next few weeks and be careful what links you click on. Be Uber aware!

I’m not sure as to how it can be, but why are people supporting Russia on this? The talk of poking them by having NATO move further east is a load of bollix and should not be used as an excuse to attack a country who are posing no threat. Its a clear land grab by aggressive means that has absolutely no basis but yet somehow we have clowns like those fox news idiots supporting Russia because its the enemy of their enemy. Bullshit.


That Italian/Tyrone/Armagh chap that used to post here, that stormed off in a huff a few weeks ago was a big Putin supporter.

Broken arrow

  • Head for Poland
  • Sign up and Fight

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If you were in Ukraine now would you run off to Poland or stay and fight for your country

Mikhail Gorbachev would be very disappointed with this turn of events.

He’s a wormie cocksucker this Putin… He needs to go.

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Fuck me on the brink of ww3 and I up here in dublin selling chocolate


Do you want to play 5 a side tonight? 8pm