Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

If the rich Russian expats get their $$$$ and properties squeezed as part of sanctions, pressure will be on Putin then?

The aim has got to be to bring Russian society to a standstill and foment mass uprisings in the streets like in Argentina in 2001.

Basically turn the whole of Russia into Crazytown.

It is what it is.

A dictator depends on the perception of invincibility. You have to destroy that perception.

If the perception of invincibility evaporates, the end can come surprisingly quickly.

There’ll be a red line drawn at some point. In the 30s it was Poland. No point ruling a post nuclear apocalyptic world.

Taiwan may be let go. But eventually a line will be drawn. The US military machine must be itching to go.

are you @BruidheanChaorthainn in disguise?

I love horses boss

and gambling

Will you condemn him

Mick is a misunderstood soul

Will you come out and condemn him?

Does he oppose Ukraine’s right to self-defence? Complete scum.

yes. It might stop you responding now…

It takes a big man to admit he was wrong.

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United will have to go lads

At the risk of being glib during a terribly tense and tragic time…

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Al Jezeera seems to be covering this conflict better than others.

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The line will be EU territory, that seems very obvious to me.
I understand the risk that Ukraine is the modern Sudetenland, up to a point, but every country has signed a mutual self-protection pact with each other. I don’t understand why people can’t see that the Baltics is a whole other paradigm. Maybe they can see it and that’s why they’re not too fussed about the Ukraine.

The US will do nothing unless it is attacked. Don’t forget they didn’t get involved in WWII until Pearl Harbor which was two years after Poland fell, and arguably the US is more isolationist now. The US is also hopelessly politically divided unlike 1941 with enormous problems of its own. I think anyone hoping for Uncle Sam to come to the rescue will be disappointed.

Economic sanctions. That’ll learn em! The blockheads will turn off the gas next.