Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

Sure half the forum has hidden their profile since the lad in question went on his doxing spree. Itā€™s only a big deal in your imaginationā€¦this isnā€™t your classroom.
As for standing over what you say, when did i tell lies about you?

It was on TikTok, mate.

I deleted my account only last week :man_facepalming:t2:

Who was doxxed? How does hidden profile prevent doxxing?

You repeatedly misrepresented my views on Covid and vaccines, that was one thing,
Honest to God youā€™re an awful sensitive soul :man_shrugging:

Former poster @Sidney was doxxed by @maroonandwhite which is the only actual doxxing of anybody that has occurred on this forum to date to the best of my knowledge but the TFK Gemmas like the Dungiven spambot were just fine with that.

Give me an example there.

Who were all the doxxings you mentioned a while ago,
I answered your question, Iā€™ll search later if I have a chance, itā€™s difficult when youā€™re dealing with a hidden profile

But who were the victims of the doxxing spree you mention?

Chuckle. Just use the search function mate. Put in a frw keybwords from this lue you cant remember, along with @glenshane. Job is oxo.
The lads that got doxxed can speak for themselves.
(You did make a holy show of yourself over covid etc)

Who was doxxed? Youā€™re the one who said it

Rocko was, i was, i think labane was and two or three others were. Iā€™m surprised you canā€™t remember the episode


They can speak for themselves.
You seem very anxious to search my profile, know who was doxxed etc. I think you should rein it in a little

Iā€™m honestly donā€™t remember anybody ever being doxxed, of course I remember Labaneā€™s famous FBI story but it seemed quite far fetched,

Iā€™m still wondering why anybody has a hidden profile if it is of no benefit? All it does as far as I can see is make it very difficult to search for posts made in the past, can anybody fill me in?

You get pissy when I donā€™t answer every one of your questions and get pissy when I ask a question :joy::joy:

I canā€™t recall the advantage of a hidden profile but it was connected to the doxxing alright i think. Maybe when you had to be a member to view profiles and hidden stopped banned people from accessing postsā€¦ something like that.

OK, if thatā€™s the case I can see a possible advantage, even though Iā€™m not exactly able to follow

Can anybody confirm?

It is worth it to be called a coward on an anonymous forum though?

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Whatā€™s really curious is how the lads in the herd close ranks. You know laz is a bit of a hypocrite, but heā€™s going with the flow now, so you leap to his defence. Itā€™s tedious, yet interesting in its own way.

Yes, you can. Ffs

Let it be known that it is the anonymous @glenshane that I consider a coward, Iā€™m sure the real man is a very different beast.
Donā€™t confuse this with the real world, which is why doxxing is quite a serious accusation to make

You still havenā€™t said why itā€™s more likely to lead to a doxxing

If itā€™s just as easy to search for old posts either way (which itā€™s not)
Your profile has no other information