Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

TNH but if you need the pity party go for it.

Seeing as you screenshot things and hold them for years Iā€™m sure you have proof. Fire it up

He did not, did he?

Yes he did and neither is it the first time Iā€™ve referenced that he did it.

The thing with the Limerick posters happened as well.

There are some extremely hypocritical Gemmas on this forum.

His club?

Shur he was telling everyone says day 1 his club.

You donā€™t have the braincells for this one Iā€™m afraid Harry.

I didnā€™t do any research, I was given a name by some astute shannonsiders. But Iā€™ve no idea if it was accurate, and I didnā€™t type the name up here. And if it was accurate, itā€™s not like itā€™s gonna affect his employment or anything. But when he doxxes people he directly wants to effect their livlihood. Safe in the knowledge he canā€™t suffer the same fate.

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Donā€™t feed the butt sniffer

Kinda feel like I should alert the Aussie secret service for public safety reasons

Lot of explaining there chief

But probably still didnā€™t make a dent with you. Not much that can be done there unfortunately.

Shur this dog is old like yourself

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Hard to argue really

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So @Kyle is attempting to get people doxxed by using you.

Every accusation by the Gemmas is a confession.

Itā€™s like he read all of @thomas_brady posts on this thread

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Makes perfect sense. The biggest mistake the US made going into Afghanistan and Iraq was using US troops. The body bags coming back became deeply unpopular once the money trick was clear

What a great president heā€™d make. Instead America will end up with a corrupt geriatric, in Biden or Trump.


Kennedy is consistent in his attitude to different genocides.

He likes all of them.

So youā€™re saying big munitions arenā€™t making a fortune from the ongoing war?

Nah Kyle had nothing to do with it.

So this savage doxxing that ruined your prospects at employment. Letā€™s have a look at it.

Did I write your first name? Nope

Did I write your last name and say it was you? Nope

Did I change the spelling of another word to see if it would trigger you. Yep.

I had no idea if it was accurate, so I had to figure it out. So I baited you in a way that no one else would notice but you, if it was true. If you had any smarts you woulda said nothing, I wouldnā€™t have had any confirmation. But I smoked you out good. Now go on with the pity party.

The EU has seen increased lobbying from arms manufacturers in recent years in the name of stopping migrants from the south landing on shores in Europeā€¦ Constant war is good business.