Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 2) - Neocons Strike Back

We’re talking about war and imperialism. Something the us is consistently caught up in. Youre watering it down to 'every country ’ is plain stupid. The American war machine is a cause of conflicts …

Ukraine profits by the ability to defend itself?

I don’t really understand your line of reasoning here, it seems to contradict everything else you say. Do you think fewer Ukrainians would die if they were left to fend for themselves?

We all know that.


Russia isn’t allowed a sphere of influence now.

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Next you’ll be telling us Saruman would have stopped at Rohan and we should have just allowed sauron to take Gondor to save lives.

But again, if the US had agreed with Russia to let them have their own sphere of interests like they want- what would you be saying?

Again, the person who is Anti American on everything is neither interesting nor nuanced.

Im not anti American on everything. Their agenda is also a cause of war and needs to be called out also.

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We know how it would play out.

Russia gets what they want and all is right with the US and Russia. With both agreeing on their own spheres of interest like the Cold War again, they turn on China.

Chocco then comes in with “nuance” on here denouncing the US for feeding a despot like Putin and Russian and US imperialism.

The script can always be rewritten by cranks.

Saruman was only a stooge in a much wider war. He just didn’t realise it.

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Your pro Fantasy Football falls in line with your pro EPL stuff, hypocritical but pretty standard for those of the Tankie persuasion. It’s not like many of them are really ever arsed moving to places like Russia or China.

Agree to disagree on how much danger Russia is to other Western countries in terms of invasion. If Russia invades Poland that’s world war 3. I don’t see that happening. But back to the question - how do you see this conflict ending? I’m not having a go here, genuinely curious how people see this conflict ending.


You like American sports so you cant call out American murder around the globe :rofl:

Get a fucking grip.

You like your imperialism one way and that’s the long and short of it.

But you’re literally talking about nuclear war as a more realistic scenario than Putin trying it on with other countries. You talk about rationalism from Putin on the invasion front but then bring up the most irrational of things he could actually do (nuclear war).

You brought up Zero Covid but demanding “peace” because of a fear over Nuclear war is actually the same “under the bed” stuff.

But again, what would you say if the US acceded to Russia’s demands on their sphere of interest for “ethnic Russians” and their historical interests?

We all know what you would say. The US can’t win because you have that simplistic SU mindset.

Youre a neocon who cant admit that the US and its corporate imperialism is a cause of major strife around the world. Im not saying its one big US plot, but they instigate, interfere, destabilise and take advantage of opportunities for profit and control. Every country doesn’t act in that way… pick a region and they’ve meddled for the same reasons.
They are actively making billions of dollars from this war right now and will happily continue to do so.
You seem happy for them to do so and good luck to you… But any time their role in Ukraine is mentioned you have a fanny attack… Throwing out the SU politics while trying to maintain this is a conflict of good vs evil :rofl: the least you can do is own your neocon stance. Be a proud neocon.

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I’m not demanding peace at all, doubt I have much say in it. I don’t think there will be a nuclear war but I find it strange that people say on the one hand Putin is an evil lunatic, which he is, while on the other hand saying we should humiliate him and start rolling tanks into Russia and there’s no way this evil lunatic would consider using nukes. That doesn’t add up.

Avoiding a possible nuclear war is only one of the reasons I want this conflict to end. The other reasons are thousands of people are dead and millions displaced and while this conflict goes on so will that.

It is telling that you have avoided answering the question I’ve asked you twice now though. The only alternative I’ve seen to try to sue for peace is “total destruction of Russia and let’s kill all of them” type rhetoric which is utter nonsense.

Can you please suspend your logic while posting in here.



They have spent billions on assistance if that’s what you mean?

I wouldn’t care to try and predict what will happen next but presenting these as the only binary choices doesn’t seem reasonable, surely there are other ways this could go?

Certainly not. I was against Iraq and think Neocons were deluded. I don’t use childish terms like imperialism though.

I take issue with your very specific and childish use of the world “Imperialism”. Again, if the US went the other course here you’d be screaming the exact same.

The US is low hanging fruit for criticism for self loathing dullards. The ones who participate in the culture and benefit from it and wouldn’t dare live in the countries they profess to support.

The terms you use are typical of the SU warrior. “US Corporate Imperialism”, I asked you last week how Russian interference in the east of Ukraine didn’t meet the threshold of imperialism. I asked you why Ukrainian politicians with big business interests in the East who pressurised the President at the time not to leave the bosom of Russia didn’t meet the threshold of “corrupt corporate interests”.

Again, if the US had agreed with Russia on a continued carve up of Eastern Europe you’d have been denouncing it as imperialism, subjugating the population of Eastern Europe for the mutual interests of two empires. The “Ukrainian farmer in the east” (your use of language in always telling on what influences you) would suddenly be “big farmers in the East over the ordinary person”.

You’re textbook I’m sorry, nothing particularly interesting or insightful from you on this one.