Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Lay off the Fox News

Getting more and more pessimistic about this.

I think tonight will be a night of shame for the world, for those who perpetrate what is happening, and those who stood by while it happened.


Man City say no to war

Their owners did not vote against Russia



Disgusting. There is an illness at the heart of man.

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I agree with every point. I’d add that the world needs to bring these new nations into the global community and into the EU for the European parts of what is Russia. The lessons from the aftermath of both world wars is reparations caused the second world war and the EU and various international communities increased peace. The long term goal has to be peace and not punish the people of Russia but punish the leaders as you said


Are you on the hunt for a new team again mate?

The bombing has begun in kyiv according to cnn

Don’t lose hope. War brings out the best in man as well as the worst. Their are many good people doing everything they can, such things not even twitter can know about. This will backfire on Putin in ways he never thought possible

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I’ve long said the biggest mistake the west made in the early 1990s was not putting a massive Marshall Plan in place to enable transition to social democracy in Russia and the other Soviet States.

It would have been a massive undertaking and been a monumental cost but looking back it seems like it would have been a snip.

Yet most of the smaller countries were able to transition to one degree or other and become decent countries. Russia wasn’t. The great power delusion is a mass pathology.

There are spectacularly difficult issues at play here. What do you do when a massive country’s ideology turns to a poison that threatens all within it and around it.


I’d agree.

But if you cut up Russia & share it out it, it isn’t worth a fuck without the Americans learning to keep their dirty fingers to themselves thereafter imo.

The ex soviet states in Europe bar Belarus and Moldova mainly have or are close to being ‘european’. This is what really provokes putin. It was a massive mistake. Even at the end of the 90s they could have done something while Russia was still a shitshow. 20 years of putin has led to this. He’s ex kgb soviet to the rotten core

This is a remarkably powerful piece of art. It fucking hits you, especially now.

Are some countries just too big ? It seems some of the biggest countries America, china and Russia have the biggest social issues. Literally just too big for one government to work and trying to get everybody under one government creates an even bigger divide ?

Moldova is 50-50 Romania & Russian. I would not say it’s a country closer to the EU than Russia currently.

That was exactly the mistake. The Western powers danced on the grave of the USSR, the former Iron Curtain states oriented west and the mediocrity that has ruled Russia for centuries was allowed to survive.

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I’d have thought the Russians would be much lower than 50%. Majority Romanian ethnic.

Did your Lithuanian buddy tell you that?

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Bądź miły

You’d have to say yes. India and Brazil are two other massive countries that both have monumental issues.

Russia’s population compared to them isn’t that big.

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After this week yeah, as probably can guess I’m not an expert here but a relatively good idea. I never heard talks of Moldova applying to the EU or an intension but that’s the limit of my knowledge on the country. The rest of those former soviet states in Europe have either joined or are trying to