Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

The lack of attack by air so far is ominous enough I’d imagine.

Russian attack has been widely sniggered at so far but I can’t help but feel we’ve seen nothing yet.

Hope I’m wrong.

The simpletons ARE cannon fodder

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Was refuted by good few Twitter sources today

Jesus. I hope so

Kharkiv blasts from tonight look the scariest. Relentless, 40 or 50 flashes in a ten second period. Possibly thermobaric weapons I’d say.

Instead of hoping there is a new thread where you can come clean

Someone asked

Saw some retired general on fox just there saying the lads who have been shipped to Belarus today are Putin’s closers. Some elite squadron who the general said Putin would not have expected to need them and it’s a big tell

The thing about the swift sanctions on certain banks. A complete stupid move it should have been all of them. These will only target banks associated with Putin .

Germany surely realise they need the gas a lot more than he needs the money? It’s probably a deliberate cop out that sounds impressive and friends in media will sell it as so.

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I suspect that is not true at all.

60% dependency on Russian gas at last count. Germanys energy needs

It’s like Dublin in gaa. That’s why they are struggling so badly recently.

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He read it first on tfk

You’d be surprised what you pick up on that place

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32% says Reuters.

Gas does not make up that much of Germany’s energy needs. Work arounds can be found and we are not far away from the end of the winter.

Putin needs to sell his gas.

Putin also needs the ruble not to tank.

And he needs there not to be bank runs, and commentators are now speculating that’s a significant possibility. If you get bank runs, you get revolutions.

China are circled too its been going on years

Imagine what damage the 10000 US troops in poland would inflict if they could cross the border?

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