I would like to take the opportunity to condemn Russia’s invasion in Ukraine. It was an unnecessary escalation of growing tension that will cost thousands of lives and should be condemned unilaterally.
What I do find disgusting is the double talk of those who rightly condemn the invasion but who are happy to turn a blind eye to Western backed genocide in places like Yemen and Palestine which has been going on for years now and cost countless thousands more lives than will happen in Ukraine.
Supporting war like a football team regardless of the rights and wrongs is quite simply cynical, opportunistic and vile.
I stand with the people of Ukraine, Yemen, Palestine and I stand against the war mongers in Russia, the US and UK.
The situation is complex and the role of NATO over the past 20 years should also be highly condemned. The highly respected Noam Chomsky has been highlight the prospect of NATO and Western aggression of this happening for years.