Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

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He’s the actualisation of their self doubt that tells them to shut up and hide their ignorance. They obviously don’t listen.

Comedy Central Drinking GIF by Lights Out with David Spade

Do we know any Cork based critical tinkers who might have been involved in this?

A Ukrainian pogrom

10,568 people homeless in Ireland as per latest figures.
And yet we can provide accommodation and all the rest for 50k Ukrainians who arent even in the EU.

Charity begins at home.

They should fly to Ukraine and then fly back. There’ll be a red carpet waiting for them at the airport.


Instead of a sleeping on the side of the path and drunks either pissing on them or throwing them 2 euro

They’d still be Irish when they return so wouldn’t be able to claim asylum.

They’ll get a big welcome from the casual xenophobes, a red carpet no less

Ah shure it’s the Ukranians fault we have a homeless problem here.

Youre a wanker.

Do you think 10,000 Irish people are sleeping rough? We are not giving Ukranians free houses. They’re being put up in all sorts of shitholes but would say they’re still grateful to be safe.


Do the lads complaining about Ukrainian refugees do much volunteering with their local homeless shelter or get a bite to eat for a homeless person when they see them?

The same cunts would be complaining about beggars on the street in our cities


Heres one for ya Mr.Hunt…

I overheard a conversation yesterday between 2 young ones in a well known supermarket chain.
It went as follows

“Yeah im in here about the cashier job”
“Really? I thought you were working in the ****** hotel? ( Top star hotel in KK,FYI)”
“Yeah I was but I dont know if u know this but part of its divided for Ukrainians and I had to bring there food up on a tray every day and they were so ignorant that I said fuck this,im out”

Now I dont give a flying fuck what you do,think or ride.And I certainly dont care if you believe what ive said,but I can guarantee you here and now,there are no homeless Irish families staying in a five star hotel.

But yet we plough on like the wet fannys we are.The sleeveen and the other yoke currying favour in Brussels.Great little country.
Ive absolutely nothing against those people,my heart goes out to them,but as Ive said- look after your own first,get them sorted and then do your philanthropy.

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Im not sure about others but i regularly contribute to penny dinners and usually drive the Christmas donation in my office. And yes, if im about town I’ll buy an auld misfortune a cup of tea and a sandwich. I did it recently on a work night out and the two indian lads who ran the store knew that i was getting it for the lad outside the shop and didn’t want to serve me at first. Guess they are sick of him outside the shop ( near Washington Street) . Few months back i bought some poor bastard a burger king meal… poor cunt had a sign saying he was hungry.

I don’t go into town often tho.


Fair play buddy

I hate seeing it.

5 star Hotel? Seriously.

Which one?

Its fucking awful. Says a lot about mental health and addiction services in this country also. My missus has a cousin who has his troubles, a bit slow and dependent on his parents despite being in his 20s at the time.

A couple of years ago, he traipsed off to Dublin on his own, went off the radar for a couple of weeks and started sleeping rough and street drinking with other misfortunes. If he was getting the correct supports from the state, that would bever happen.

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