Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

Fair play buddy

I hate seeing it.

5 star Hotel? Seriously.

Which one?

Its fucking awful. Says a lot about mental health and addiction services in this country also. My missus has a cousin who has his troubles, a bit slow and dependent on his parents despite being in his 20s at the time.

A couple of years ago, he traipsed off to Dublin on his own, went off the radar for a couple of weeks and started sleeping rough and street drinking with other misfortunes. If he was getting the correct supports from the state, that would bever happen.

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I dont know what star Bunratty is but they were cancelling weddings as it was occupied by Ukranian refugees

If youre referring to me,Ive ofter helped out homeless people over the years by way of cash or a hot coffee/sandwich or some other way.Im not a cunt.

I encountered a man one particular Sunday,years ago,when I was last coming out of mass.He was pushing a toddler in a buggy and he stopped and asked for help.He was getting evicted if he didnt have the rent.99% of me said scam but I didnt care.I gave him €50 which was all I had till next payday.

A year or so later,in the exact same spot,again,I was last coming out and with not a sinner about,what was on the path but a €50 euro note right at my feet.
Make of that as you will and goodnight.


Theres only 2.

Id an uncle that went that way and was murdered on the streets in Limerick 5/6 years ago… Shur, what can you do as the man says.

Do you think that there are 10,000 Irish people living rough on the streets? Simple question.


The number of irish people living in emergency accomodation went up by 40% this year. There are almost 3 thousand irish children living in shitholes

The EU has signed a temporary protection agreement for Ukranian citizens. Unprecedented. And because of that we have to take an amount of refugees we are in no way capable of accomadating to the level of rights afforded to them by that dictat.

Your friend seems to think that Ukranians are being given accommodation ahead of Irish who are being turfed out on the streets.At least that’s what the below reads like.

They are homeless. The government changed the recording of the figures for those in emergency accomodation

There is a different figure for rough sleepers

Under temporary protection they have a right, a Governmental right to a home, a job and education for 12 months.

This is the emergency accomodation in the cork simon community

Last time i gave food to the homeless on the street was after the semi final defeat to kk in 2’19. I handed out Ferrero roches cc @iron_mike in my limerick top between croker and Camden street. The good karma has served us well.


3 years ago it was the same number. Refugees from Ukraine have fuck all to do with the Irish homeless problem other than an avenue for people to be dicks about it.


Mental health services or the complete lack of are adding to the situation.

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There were more than 10,000 in emergency accommodation before this war broke out. Maybe it dropped and rose again this year but it hit that number a few years ago. Ukranians are in emergency accommodation as well as the 10,000 Irish. Our friend seems to think the Ukranians are getting houses and 5 star tteatment.

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Can you explain how an irish family has to sleep on a floor in sleeping bags while a ukranian family get put up in Bunratty castle to an Irish kid on the floor in edel house or cork simon ?

I dont think anybody is saying the ukranians are putting people on the street at least I’m certainly not.

Im saying we arent in a position to cater for 50k refugees from fucking anyhwere

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I’d imagine it’s because the number of homeless people in Bunratty is very low and they don’t move families away from their locality