Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

These pretend fascists are running out of road.

Trudeau there in Canada is a prime example. What a cunt that lad is.


They are miserable and if everybody else is miserable then they’ll feel less miserable being miserable.

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You lot.

Laughing at the misery of others.

I think it might it might be something pathological in Limerick posters because the lot of yis seem to cream yerselves laughing at the misery of others.

It’s far from exclusive to yis though.

Why didn’t Putin invade Ukraine in 2016-2020 when according to nutters like you his man was in the White House? Seemed like the perfect time to do it, if you are correct.

You could be wrong of course, and Putin perceives the West as weak right now.

People are free to self identify and to think whatever they want and to freely protest but only if the woke clergy have signed off on it.

We live in a world where a lad can identity as a cat and be protected and treated as normal and not insane but a lad who protests to protect his livelihood is called a nut ball.


Why don’t you don’t you just admit you’ve been wrong about everything for the last six years?

Address this piece of pro-Russia propaganda.

Self-identifying as a rat is more your style. :grinning:

It is unbelievable. Everything has been switched up. Trump, Brexit and Covid have really divided society and the extremes on both sides are absolutely batshit crazy now.

There is no talking to them.

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I read a book by Ben Elton - Identity Crisis - a few years ago. A murder mystery parody. A short few years later it’s amazing how much of what he imagined has come to pass and is now accepted as normal.

Social media has fucked the world.


Why can’t you answer a simple question?
Why didn’t Putin invade Ukraine while Trump was in the White House?

It really has. Maybe these extremists were always there but they just didnt have the platform.

Hard to know.

I wonder will Will O’Donoghue be alright with the shoulder injury?


I think it distils and concentrates what used to be diluted.

It also has reinforced and enhanced the confirmation bias to a ridiculous extent. Look at this thread and the posts from Twitter and elsewhere. I guarantee every post is designed to bolster a view the poster already posted.

I posted a link last week about Joe Rogan that I didn’t necessarily agree with but saw there was a merit to the argument made.

People would be better served to seek out arguments that directly contradict their current view, read them and expose themselves to them.


Very true. In fairness I think Rogan is starting to do that to an extent.

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There is always an agenda with this fella, spent two years and thousands of posts rattling on and on only to be proven wrong, with the Covid ship now thankfully marooned he has decided the threat of war between Russia and Ukraine is the new flavour of the month. An expert in everything you can read on the internet sure :rollseyes:


What arguments contradict the view that Putin is an extreme danger to Ukraine and to Europe?

The self styled middle aged manosphere on this forum say he’s pussy cat.

What are the arguments that contradict the argument that he is an extreme danger?

If you say I’m wrong about Putin, why don’t you prove me wrong?

Wouldn’t you have to have more knowledge about the subject than I have in order to prove me wrong?

So why am I wrong?

What arguments?

Make them.

I think gearoid Hegarty should appeal his red card


Address your pro-Russia propaganda.

You asked “what the fuck is the problem with Russia?”

Why don’t you answer your question?