I see Classic Hits are willing to match Tubs 170k RTÉ offer.
They want him to do two hours though. Kelly won’t like that.
I’d say he could throw on the Spotify for half an hour at the end and get away with it. Just preface it with some sanctimonious bullshit.
So just do what he did before
Tubs to take over the Niall Boylan spot
I was in his mother’s house in booterstown yday morning
He was in with Virgin Radio and Chris Evans too. Kelly is getting his asset out there.
What are they chatting about? Being cancelled?
Dunno chief. Just see Tubs Instaing like an influencer on cocaine.
Isn’t that a given?
How the fuck does he think posting that is a good idea?
He does what Kelly tells him to do.
Well wear, Ryan
It’ll look good with the flip flops
Why wouldn’t he? He got a new motorbike
I suppose because its completely tone deaf to the reason he lost his job. And a bit of a fuck you to lots of the people of ireland he says he is so connected with… but sure he can do what he likes…
I kinda like it
Sure everything he does is a fuck you these days
Does Bono want the bike back?