Screaming Mullally Bastards

Unreal cup of tea I’ve just had. I put up a picture of the empty cup on Facebook after I drank the tea from it. Got 25 “likes” in 8 minutes. This is living, not existing. I’ll always remember this.

It’s alright to say things can only get better
But you haven’t lost your brand new sweater

I bet @ChocolateMice is delighted with the 28 likes he got for his post whinging about people looking for validation on social media.


Una Mullally has responded to Oliver Callan’s Irish Times’ column on feminism and sexism on twitter. Fight! Fight! Fight!

Let’s run away together, I’ll give it all up for you (yes I would)

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I wish her well .

Tasty tasty soup

Did you read her ‘cultural’ review of the year :rollseyes:

She’s some pain in the fanny. She’s the Nell McCafferty of this generation.


Do people who write the following actually believe what they are writing??

What will be your cultural resolution for 2017?

Read more, write more, party more. The world is in flames, we need to protest and party in equal measure and with love, anger and creativity.

2016 in three words

Go to hell.

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@Tim_Riggins replied to her in the comments section -

Where is the American facisim and white supremacy that Una gets hysterical about?. Trump won. End of it. Too bad. Take your PC lefty world off to North Korea or Venezuela where the revolution against the racist running Yankee dogs lives on. Go away and leave the rest of us to enjoy trumps scattering of the whinge brigade. you had your run, Israel survived it and the sun is up. Roll on 2017


Did she reply to him?



Doubt she could think of a better compliment tbh

Great internetting mate, you had that set up from a long way out


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That’s the best clamping of 2016. :clap:

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This post truth is a new word for the snowflake generation . Politicians always told porkies and were always spinning and always economical with truth .

Myself and @iron_mike had that set up 6 months out… All about timing


Fucks sake