Screaming Mullally Bastards

Every fucking cunt wants a soap box these days… ohhh, i’m being oppressed, stop oppressing me!! - Fucking wankers. Mental health me bollox… my father was out grafting at 16 as was most men of his era -they married young and had kids and they struggled far more than cunts like us today but they got on with it. Fuckers today haven’t a clue - they are depressed because they can’t keep up with people on social media and they are skint because after they have paid for food, internet, household bills, their car, holidays, phone and netflix they only have enough left over for a two nights of take aways and one night on the piss. Fuckers saying we should be teaching kids about emotions and meditation in school, fuck off, we should have them doing push-ups and squats from 4 years of age…mental toughness is built on physical toughness… bastards with their emotions and let’s all open up about how we feel… How about I feel like I want to split your head wide open you soft cunt cunt… I’m a fucking man and I’ve been to the moon, split the atom and invented beer without crying . Cunt.


It needed to be said.


Good man CM. ''tis far from spouting off Baudrillard’s concepts like Blindboy (it seems to be the only critical theorist he knows of) that we were raised. We’ve become a soft nation wrapped up in psychobabble, individualism and feminism

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Great shout pal. My ma has been very depressed since I was a young lad. It can happen women after 6 kids for example. But being positive and a bit of exercise makes you realise we are all mortal so live life happy especially for your kids.

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Deary me, were you sitting in the pub typing that while everyone around you was watching the rubby. Fuck me you are one pathetic little prick.

I agree with the content BTW


People need to be tough guys, like me.

I carry a chip on both shoulders and a snarl on my face.

Fucking bring it.


We were brought up on Oasis mate, we’ve lived.

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I think it’s important we never forget where we came from. We’re cut from a different cloth.


Delighted to give that a 10

I’d agree with most of that,social media has people fuckin ruined

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An outstanding post.

It’s a tough one with social media. There’s a few sound bastards there I’d lose contact with entirely if it wasn’t for it. The other 80% is just a constant barrage of articles, smiley-cryey faces (this cunt :joy:), “hilarious” memes about some other country’s politics, misandrism and photos of restaurant dinners. (:ok_hand:)

If I stopped whinging about it for a second myself and just cancelled the account I’d probably be a lot happier.

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I cancelled my social media accounts about this time last year, I’ve had an unreal pep to my step in those 12 months.


Lovely rant but… Didn’t you start the mental health thread where everyone ‘checked in’ and we found out how depressed the forum is.

No distractions. No lovindublin articles. Unreal I’d say.

It’s the facade of impassioned rants from people who wanted to be seen to care on stances but in reality didn’t give a fuck, the idiots who hooked up to the rugby bandwagon, the posts/photos check-ins about people telling us they’re having such an amazing times at gigs/on holidays/attending events that really got me the most. Vacuous twats running to Facebook telling us about the latest minimalist event that happened in their life and how it had such a profound effect on them. Birds complimenting other birds are looking like fucking idiots before they headed out and so on.

I no longer have to be subjected to people trying to microcosm their projected “great lives” onto their profile and play oneupmanship with all their so called friends and it is fucking fantastic.

I was actually getting angry typing that post. I’m a firm believer in having a bit of anger in oneself, I’m very effective at channeling anger. I’ve a turbo engine and anger is my fuel.




You can’t beat a good Choco rant. Great stuff.

You’ve been drinking an awful amount of alcohol recently which is a worrying turn of events.

Cork will do that to any man