Second Captains

A chap as posh as Ken shouldn’t be talking about soccer for a living .

Sidney is Ken Early

You are obsessed with what class should and should not like football

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I mentioned it here a few times kiddo . Not consistent with being obsessed .

Obsession is having a hareem in your hotel and still looking for conflict on this site .

Great posting mate. Not letting Tory boy away with anything.

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Your “twin” hasn’t responded yet . He is letting me away with a helluva lot .

Rather good. It’s the main reason I pay the €6.18 per month, actually.

I see there’s another one out today but I haven’t got around to listening to that yet - hopefully I will tomorrow.

I particularly enjoyed the one about unionism/loyalism and how unionists have a similar mindset to Trump voters and Afrikaaners.

FFS … Unionism - Afrikaaners both have their roots stretching back to the 17th century - Trump ‘voters’ are a flash in the pan and a melting pot of differing backgrounds/reasons - and can’t exactly be defined as a group. Utter snowflake garbage to draw a parallel …

Ken is great entertainment but is just another snowflake on current affairs sadly. Stick to sports.

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He’s consistently well informed, has interesting guests and asks very good questions on his political podcasts. This leads to them being very stimulating listening.

I’ll take my own opinion on this over the opinions of people who haven’t even listened to them, thanks.



Tbf I haven’t listened to his political podcasts, I can only go on his Tweets which can be a bit hit or miss on current affairs. I’ll take your word for it, I’d probably like it, I enjoy most of his ramblings on football despite not following it that deeply.

Although, thinking about it I have always loved Keith Olbermann talking about sports but can’t stand the guy talking about politics. I will give it a listen though.

That’s a clamping

Yer man Alex Massie from The Spectator was one of his guests on his show after the UK election so he gets voices coming from different angles.

The politics ones are every couple of weeks at most so the topics don’t go stale or repetitive in the way that often happens on the Irish Times’ Inside Politics podcast, which can also be pretty good, to be fair.

The interview with Michael Cheika is outstanding, well worth a listen to.

I hadnt popped in here for over two years — what a major let down this post was.

Cheika is an ignoramus bully

I see that the second captains lads have 10k paid subscribers. Thats fair going. What is it 5 quid a month? 600k a year. Fuck all overheads really. Plus advertising, corporate gigs etc. Coining it

My brother gave me a sub as a xmas present. I have limited interest in soccer so ignore all those ones. Its generally ok though but I wouldnt pay for it myself

Fools and their money and all that. Paying to listen to lads talk shite about sport - fair play to them if people are willing to pay for such a service.

We all do it on here but don’t charge! :smile: