Second Captains

That’s a decent number. Though it’s never as simple as that either. Retaining subscribers is the challenge though at 5 euro a month it’s not a huge issue.

Fair play to them is right.


We must pay our subs though :wink:

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I listen to 80-100 hours of podcasts a month. Its good value if you like soccer. They produce way more content than you could keep up with. They have the price point right. The price of a pint. Its inconsequential in the greater scheme of things

Ya at 5 quid a month you probably wouldn’t even go to the bother of cancelling

Weren’t there a few lads on here laughing at these boys for charging a fiver,who’s laughing now.


There is a posse of lads on here (some of whom would love to be working in sports media themselves ) who criticise basically every presenter, pundit, journo working in sports. No tv station can get it right, camera angles arent right, ads are too long, HD isnt H enough etc etc



They’ll be along shortly to tell everyone that these lads arent making enough money,should be charging a tenner

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The more Sports content available for consumption the better. Between these boys, Off the Ball and Woolberto on the GAA, we’re very well catered for in this country. It was an awful abyss growing up.


Exackly. If you dont want to pay for it or listen to it then dont. Tis simple enough stuff really this choice business

While I’ve no issue with anyone making a few bob, these particular lads are painful to listen to.

You pretty much get a better service for free on off the ball if that’s what you’re into… The GAA hour with the Laois man is a great show also.

The best of luck to the second captains, but they’re smug cunts.

No doubt. One of the boffins will have the excel open working out the elasticity of demand at the various price points and the lads will be doing it wrong.

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A great many young men spend too much time watching sport , internetting about sport , listening to sport . They could do better playing or coaching sport .


He says on a sports forum

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Agreed. A lot of hurlers on the ditch around

I had the misfortune to listen to the Guardian football podcast the other day with Barry Glendenning. Sweet Jesus.

The market is wide open for a decent farming podcast and it also badly needs a few influencers.

Cc @Ambrose_McNulty


That Derry chappie held his own with Cheddar and JJ this week. Fair play.

Ken Early’s monologue after the Liverpool-Manchester City first leg was glorious.

It was reminiscent of me at my best.

Serves you right. What did you expect.

Moderation is the thing kid .