Sensational breaking news

looks like its the end of the road for these insufferable arseholes (their radio show anyway.)


Jim Jim denies rift with former breakfast show partner Colm[/b]

THE 2fm Breakfast Show presenter Jim Jim Nugent has denied any rift with long-time co-presenter Colm Hayes after it emerged the two would no longer host a programme together.

Next Wednesday, RTE will announce their new radio schedule but sources say the timetable will see the break-up of the Strawberry Alarm Clock team.

Poached from Dublin station FM104 in a wave of publicity in January 2007, in recent times their 2fm Breakfast Show has suffered a 16pc year-on-year decline in JNLR figures.

Now it appears the duo are to split, but RTE confirmed last night that both would remain on 2fm.

“They will both be staying with the station. We won’t be saying anything else until the launch next week,” said a station spokesman.

However, Jim Jim has denied reports of a rift with Hayes, who has been presenting with Lucy Kennedy in the old Gerry Ryan slot in recent months.

Asked if he was still friends with Colm, Jim Jim laughed and said: “Yes, but I am not going to comment any further than that.”


The 35-year-old broadcaster went on to deny rumours he had stormed out of RTE last week after a row with management over his new, yet-to-be announced, slot with 2fm.

“I’ve heard this too but it’s not true. That didn’t happen and I was holidays last week,” Jim Jim said.

One radio insider claimed the undoing of the once inseparable radio team had been RTE’s decision to team Colm Hayes up with presenter Lucy Kennedy to temporarily fill Gerry Ryan’s former mid-morning radio slot.

“Colm seems to have found another Jim Jim in Lucy Kennedy but Jim Jim hasn’t found another Colm yet,” said the RTE insider.

Colm was on leave yesterday and unavailable for comment, but a station source said his new slot on 2fm would not be with Lucy Kennedy.

The words big, swinging and mickey come to mind…

look whatever you want to do with big mickeys in your own time is your own business - but the rest of us arent interested in that crap.

back to the topic on hand - its worth celebrating confirmation that these two simpletons will not be presenting a radio show again.

Two crazy bastards.
I hope they patch things up.



is that the best you can do? :rolleyes: mong

Rascals, the 2 of them

i read somewhere jim jim is trying to make it as a comedian… did he do a gig at carlsberg comedy festival i think



One of the worst things about being in Dublin in the early 00s was that you’d occasionally come across these insufferable, unfunny cunts on FM104 while switching through channels. I was staggered when 2fm signed the cunts up, I just hope they’re contracted and can be dumped back to the no mark radio station they came from. As soon as I hear the cunts I switch channel. I’m sure there are others like me.

I always thought Jim Jim was some kind of a retarded stage name. Seeing it with a surname just makes it even more ridiculous

I’m not sure why, but this sentence made me laugh out loud.

It looks as though he is morphing into gerry ryan!

+1. Would have been a regular enough radio listener back then pre MP3 days and always gave these clowns a wide berth. I was very surprised that 2fm went for their lame brand of wacky banter and zany antics.

Well, Lucy Kennedy is a man.

Is there a way of finding out what the unfunny cunts are being paid under a foi request I wonder? I just want to sicken myself.

If anybody remembers the Openline that Fm 104 had in the late 90s after Adrian Kennedys phoneshow they will know Jim Jim as Tony and assorted others. He started as a caller and as he became more popular he started coming into the studio with other people who were also characters of the show. It was on late night so I would usually fall asleep listening to it but some nights it was class and other nights it was pure shite.

official confirmation that the jim jim jim jim prick has been sacked. from

‘Breakfast Show’ presenter Jim Jim Nugent is to leave 2fm in a shake-up ahead of a new schedule.

Praise the Lord, I hope he takes his pet Paddy McKenna with him.

unfortunately, hector is the new breakfast show host.