Sharapova versus Ivanovic

Please feel free to add other pictures of tidy Eastern European tennis stars



Marginal preference for Ivanovic but at that level there’s really nothing in it. I like brunettes so that clinched it really.

Ivanovic all the way!

Shockingly disappointing response to this thread. A sign of the times I suppose.

Ivanovic all the way…

Ivanovic, no contest. Sharapova’s got a cracking body, but the the face lets her down.

Would not say no to

That should have said

would not say no to either :pint:

Sharapova for me. I prefer blondes but it was a tight decision.

Should added a poll Gallimh. I’d go for Sharapova.

This tidy young one made the semi finals yesterday. Maybe no in the upper echelon of hotness that Sharapova or Ivanovic occupy but tasty all the same.

I give you Sorana Cirstea.

I like the protruding nipple

Tasty indeed.

As for the actual question I would plump for Ivanovic but not by the distance others seem to doing.

Sharapova is still fairly good.

Well spotted. :pint: