Sharp work from the IRFU

He does indeed. It would suit him down to the ground but heā€™s very much a specialist tight-head. They should get one coach for each of the front row positions.

Better late than never as far the IRFU is concerned but who is to blame for Irelandā€™s chronic lack of pushing ability in rugby football? Iā€™m far from a rugby football expert but weā€™ve been one of the worst teams at pushing for as long as I can recall. And Iā€™d like to know whoā€™s to blame for allowing things to deteriorate to such an extent as Saturdayā€™s embarrassment at Twickenham.

Is it the IRFU themselves at a national level? Is it the provinces focusing on overseas pushers to ensure short term success at the expense of developing homegrown pushers? Is it because fee paying schools are neglecting pushing and focusing more on other core skills such as lifting and rolling away? Is it a general Irish coaching problem and are our rugby football coaches not fine tuned in the art of pushing? Iā€™d be interested in hearing what the likes of Anto make of this pressing issue in Irish rugby football.

Youā€™re taking the piss here mate but in all seriousness what the fuck is the big deal about a guy playing tight head & loose head? Itā€™s not exactly rocket science. A massive cop out is what it is. Ffs sake.


Iā€™d also like to put Salt N Pepa forward for the job.

I think itā€™s that at tight head youā€™re pushing against two players - an opposing prop and the hooker - but youā€™re only pushing against one opponent at loose head. Think of the way the pushers all interlock when theyā€™re scrumming down. Now Iā€™m open to correction on this but I think thatā€™s why you need to be very, very good at pushing to be a tight head. Unfortunately for Ireland on Saturday, Mike Ross had to go off because he got a crick in his neck after an early pushing duel and we had absolutely NO adequate pusher to spring from the bench. And thatā€™s a shocking indictment against Irish rugby football. But, like I said, I would like to know whoā€™s to blame for this?


Iā€™m glad dancarter has edited that post. Appendage would have been very hurt had he seen it.


Was surprised Dan took such a big bite to be honest.

I thought it was a despicable assault on Appendage but glad he had sense to remove it before it was widely seen.

Is Declan kidney not the coach ?

Iā€™m genuinely looking for reasons as to why Ireland rugby footballers are so bad at pushing. Is anyone willing to (crouch, touch pause and) engage with me on this important issue?

:lol: :lol:

Can this thread be stickied, please?

too much fisting brian kennedy not enough training

Iā€™ll push for it but the final decision will rest with Rocko and Dunph.

now I see that one of the pushers (the berocca dumbo) is squiring a miss ireland of some sort. that is hardly much training for pushing

The pushing problem emanates from the West Brit rogbee rootballers being power bottoms as opposed to pushers.

I was actually ashamed of myself for even thinking it about the two fatheaded cunts to be honest, it was an unnecessarily hurtful jibe around the lads weight issues. Iā€™m just surprised that te one game they could possibly excel in they continually rubbish. Like if I was brilliant at holding my breath I wouldnā€™t slag off synchronised swimming

But I think the point, dancarter, is that Ireland has ample fat cunts in the rugby football squad already but for whatever reason they are incapable of pushing to the same standard as similarly fat cunts from other rugby football playing nations. Why is that?

We need better pushing coaches.


Finally someone willing to offer an opinion rather than a childish insult.