Shinty & International Rules Series Thread - again, yes it's happening fucking again

The GAA and the Australian Football League have confirmed that the International Rules series will resume in October.

Two test matches will be played in Limerick and Croke Park on the 23 and 30 October respectively.

GAA Director General Páraic Duffy and AFL Chief Executive Andrew Demetriou have been in contact on a number of occasions since the New Year and the two organisations have agreed to resume the series in October.

'We are delighted that the Australians are back in Ireland to play this year and we are all looking forward to an enjoyable two games in October.

Each player deems it a great honour to put on an Irish jersey in an international setting and values the experience of playing with players from other counties’ commented Páraic Duffy.

The series was not played in 2009 after the impact of the world economic situation in early 2009 prompting the AFL to ask the GAA to agree to defer the series for 12 months.

Good for Limerick that this is back.

There should be a ‘meh’ option for this poll.

Try again?

Ah lovely :clap:

Micky Harte will be seething

Can we have a poll on how long it will take him to make a public outburst against it?

Mickey harte is always seething.

Nordies are always seething

Tohill tipped to be unveiled as new Rules boss

GAA president Christy Cooney will announce Sean Boylan’s successor as Ireland International Rules manager for this year’s Series on Wednesday.

Former Derry footballer and International Rules captain Anthony Tohill is believed to be the front-runner for the job, having worked under Boylan in 2006 and 2008, as well as having had a spell with the Melbourne Demons club in the AFL before returning home to help the Oak Leafers to their historic All-Ireland success in 1993.

Other contenders for the post included Paul Caffrey, John Maughan and Pat O’Shea and it is believed that Mr Cooney has already chosen a manager and is waiting until next week so as a backroom team can be put in place.

Ireland will play Australia in the first of a two-Test series in Limerick on October 23, with the second Test set for Croke Park a week later.

Awww no, this thing is a ball of shite. Why would you want to invite these australian wankers into the country.

I wish this thing was abandoned and the GAA turned the Inter-Pros into one big festival weekend that would rotate around the country. That’d make them worth going to again. This hybrid stuff is only nonsense. Make a big deal of the Inter-Pros and turn them into a giant piss up, that’s how you get crowds in Ireland.

This man knows the score. :clap:

First time I might have agreed with anything you’ve said. Agree wholeheartedly with that statement.


Ah lovely, looking forward to it…

[quote=“Watch The Break, post: 443736”]
Awww no, this thing is a ball of shite. Why would you want to invite these australian wankers into the country.

I wish this thing was abandoned and the GAA turned the Inter-Pros into one big festival weekend that would rotate around the country. That’d make them worth going to again. This hybrid stuff is only nonsense. Make a big deal of the Inter-Pros and turn them into a giant piss up, that’s how you get crowds in Ireland.
[/quote]Your dead right :clap: :clap:

well said lad :clap: :guns:

As sure as night follows day…

Mick O’Dwyer has once again been snubbed for the role of Ireland International Rules team manager, which is expected to be announced at a press conference in Croke Park next week.

The 73-year old Kerry native has made no secret of his eagerness to take on the role in the past.

However it has been revealed this morning that O’Dwyer has not been contacted by GAA President Christy Cooney - the man charged with selecting Sean Boylan’s successor.

“It’s something I’ve always said would have interested me if they contacted me,” O’Dwyer said.

“But I haven’t heard a thing. I’m not that surprised. They don’t like me very much for some reason up in Croke Park and that seems to be about the size of it.”

Speaking to Metro Herald, the current Wicklow manager believes that he will now never get an opportunity to manage his country.

“It’s more than likely I won’t ever get the chance now to manage Ireland.” he lamented.

Derry All-Ireland winner and former International Rules captain Anthony Tohill is the favourite to land the role, when it is announced next Wednesday.

O’Dwyer guided Kerry to eight All-Ireland titles and also brought Leinster provincial Senior successes to Kildare and Laois.

He also brought Wicklow through their most successful Championship campaign ever last year when they played six games.

Read more:

Trials held for this last weekend I believe. Begely and Kingston involved from Laois out of 45 players. Anyone else hear anything?

Didn’t hear anything from the Limerick side, but there was a full round of both senior and intermediate championship being played here so I don’t know would players have been free to attend.

John Galvin and Stephen Kelly would have to make the Irish squad.