Shit fillums

Really liked In Bruges, very funny and clever. Seven Psychopaths not as good but I liked that too. Farrell is an excellent comic actor.

Farrell is shit in In Bruges.

Jordan Prentice, Ralph Fiennes and Gleeson absolutely save that movie from being a shambles.

Fiennes is glorious in it

Agree on the others, fiennes in particular. I think Farrell is excellent in it too.

I can’t think of a single scene or set piece where Farrell was to the fore, and he was the protagonist.

Most of the laughs in the film would have fallen flat if not for him.

Don’t be so irreverent

The scene with the Americans, the restaurant scene, the scene in the playground, the scene in his girlfriend’s apartment…did you watch the movie, kid?


The guard is also another pile steaming shite

Calvary is worse.

The Fat American guy acts better than him here for fuck sake.

I didn’t even bother

I have to say that I find anything by those McDonagh guys utterly poor. I haven’t seen the billboards one and I have no intention of watching it.

160million in the box office they doing somthing right

In Bruges and Three Billboards are both very enjoyable.

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Sing Street. Shit.

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I found billboards enjoyable enough. Probably 70%of it down to Rockwells performance though

I really liked In Bruges. Billboards was fairly underwhelming and that Seven Psychopaths was a load of shite.

I watched 7 psychopaths for a 2nd time and enjoyed it a lot more than the first. In Bruges would be in my top 10 all time. I was underwhelmed by Billboards but I’ll give it another go at some stage.


I find the dialogue to be a bit self indulgent and pompous in most of his movies, I suppose it’s a contrast to the violent characters portrayed in them. Six shooter was the worst for that. Dublin gang bangers talking like @Sidney

That’s toned down in three billboards