Sidebar: Private versus Public Healthcare

No, outside of that.

Wrong, certain services require additional payment.

In Canada, the government finances health insurance, and the private sector delivers a lot of the care. Insurance is run at the province level. Many Canadians have supplemental private insurance through their jobs to help pay for prescription drugs, dentists and optometry. The government ends up paying for about 70 percent of health care spending in all.

What? I think you fail to understand what a public health service system is.

I think using private health care to jump queues is banned in a lot of provinces in Canada, that is being constitutionally challenged by the private sector, I’d assume, on the grounds of helping people, but really it’s about profit, as the private sector is self serving

that’s probably a very apt turn of phrase

That’s really neither here nor there in terms of Canada. The government fund a lot of the care, but not all, and the private sector deliver a lot of it.

Cuba delivers nearly all its healthcare and it is nearly all free. They can keep it low cost partly due to the virtual enslavement of many of their healthcare workers. Whilst there is plenty to learn from them, the idea that this can happen all over the world is a fallacy.

I’m pretty agnostic on healthcare at this point, I think being a weird devotee of any one system or model is ott.

you’ve been arguing against public healthcare for 2 days solid, from what I can see.

Well you need to improve your comprehension skills as well as statistical grasp so. :grinning:

I merely said that a lot of the NHS bubble is a myth. I also said it was wrong to say that private influence leads to worse outcomes.

The financial point was pointing out lies being told by posters here (claiming Varadkar said it would cost 4x the amount of the U.K.) and the reality of the costs associated with beds, both public and private.

Humility, self awareness and honesty are traits you could add to your arsenal yourself.

My assertion is true, @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy has been arguing for public healthcare for 2 days and you’ve been arguing against him.

In your unique, obtuse style where you’ll never come out and be honest in your opinion. You’ll spin and you’ll misdirected and you’ll lie about your objective.

And you aren’t even aware you’re doing it, seemingly.

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In what respect?

He has claimed that only public healthcare works and any private sector influence or “profit motive” ruins it.

I gave you examples of where that is not the case, including the example you brought up on Canada where private influence is everywhere.

As I said, I am agnostic on what form it takes. Being a zealot on this issue is completely pointless - I am known for being right wing but will even say that I think the US system wastes money and can leave disproportionately well off. It’s called being broad minded.

In terms of the costs being paid to private hospitals here vs the U.K., I laid out the facts as we know them. People continue to lie and tell mistruths, if you want to deal with the facts brought up, go right on ahead.

You’ve been quite chippy with me the last few days trying to get a “gotcha”, keep on going.

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I’m only ever chippy in response to posts like this. Which is another feather in your blissfully self unaware cap. It’s a tactic you use quite regularly too.

Do you expect people to just let you away with it?

Everyone should have catastrophic health insurance, whether it’s paid for by the state or themselves. If it makes sense to insure a car or a home, it makes sense to insure your body in case of a health condition that could cost several hundred thousand to resolve.

Most preventative health care is not that expensive to deliver, an annual visit to the doctor, blood work, etc. The expense comes in treating serious illnesses or accidents. The advances in health care that have seen incredible life saving treatments and life extending treatments come at enormous cost, and are all developed and delivered by the private companies that some on this thread see as the problem. If it wasn’t for the concept of “for profit” capitalism, none of these advances would have happened.

Literally every developed country has public and private health care. The public option should be well funded from dedicated health care taxes, not from general taxation. The biggest issue is that people demand the highest quality health care, but are unwilling to pay for it, as they believe it is funded from the magic money tree. This is particularly true of younger people who see themselves as infallible and never expect to have to face a health crisis.

The issue with the HSE in Ireland is nobody is held accountable for what are very poor services for the money spent on it. For those blaming FG/FF, what political party in Ireland would actually hold the HSE accountable? Would a left wing party actually stand up to unions and demand that staff at all levels are held accountable? I find that hard to believe given that left wing parties are funded by unions.

Yes you have. Tagging me randomly in some random WHO post and coming on here.

Argue a point straight up. That’s not “self awareness”. We were talking about private influence on a healthcare sector and you brought up Canada, I merely pointed out that there is considerable private influence. I’m not disagreeing with you on the quality of the service, just making that specific point. :man_shrugging:t2:

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is a communist who believes Ireland would be better off under a dictatorship like North Korea. The Ireland that he mocks has one of the highest standard of living in the developed world and is consistently ranked as one of the best countries to live in.

Anyone taking anything he says seriously needs their head examined.

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Drink up

Proponents of private healthcare should at least be honest about what it
is they want - that those who have money should have priority access to healthcare over those who don’t.

This is a good overview of the mendacious arguments that have been put forward in Canada to try and ensure priority access for the monied.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is at least true to what he is.

Saying someone shouldn’t be taken seriously because you disagree with them is shithousery

He thinks FFG voters shouldn’t have a say on healthcare so…

Do you take all opinions seriously? How about lads who insist the earth is flat?