Sidebar: Private versus Public Healthcare

All arguments in here


Take it up from here

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Throw up an oul poll there first as to who does or doesn’t have private health insurance.

do it yourself you lazy bastard

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I am indeed lazy - but mostly I don’t know how. Is there some button or robot or something?

  • I have health insurance
  • I don’t have health insurance

0 voters

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It’s mad the way a Fine Gaeler immediately steams in to claim that when somebody takes out private health insurance because they understandably feel it is necessary given that the public system has been ghettoised, it is actually an ideological decision in favour of private health insurance.

As a bad faith “fog of war”, “let’s deliberately confuse things” line of “debate”, that’s a doozy.

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even if you have private health care, you aren’t guaranteed to get access to private wards. If you go in through A&E you are admitted through the public system. It’s a sham

I have health insurance through my employment.

I find it wrong that what person earns should determine the standard and speed of health service they receive. It’s morally reprehensible but it benefits a few wealthy billionaires so what the hell.

Should be an option really for people who have insurance provided as part of employment. Ie those who would chose to pay private or not

Doubt there are many who can afford it that don’t have it.

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When was our public system in good shape?

Not in my lifetime. But neither has the private sector. There exist massive waiting lists for consultants and specialists, there also exist massive waiting lists for elective surgeries, both public and private.

Both need to be reformed together, but that won’t happen as the private health care system is self serving

I don’t think I’ve ever said our system worked very well. Sections of it do work well and others don’t.

That is not a reflection of the public or private sector not working. All I have said is that it is wrong to say that a wholly public system works, it doesn’t and it never will. Neither would a wholly private system.

isn’t Canada’s universal health care system World renowned?

Cuba have the best healthcare system in the world.

Cubans have to pay for elements of healthcare.

everyone has to pay for elements of healthcare. They’re called taxes

Cuba has only a public health service system.