Sidney fiddler

Sidney has been doing the complete opposite of minding his own business lately, bud.


Thanks Brimmer. You’re a top, top poster and I’d always respect your thoughts on a matter.

Fascist trolls like @anon7035031 can be a tough proposition to deal with. If you engage with them, they can drag you down to their level. They say never argue with a fool and all that, especially one who craves attention like him.

But the lessons of history tell us you have to fight fascism. It can be a dirty fight, but fight one must, because the alternative is capitulation. And one should never capitulate to fascism.

Labane unfortunately follows in that shameful Galway tradition of being a mouthpiece of fascist propaganda in another country.

He’s the forum’s Lord Haw Haw. And we all know how Lord Haw Haw ended up.

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You rat bastard

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It’s truly joyous that all four resident TFK morons are now joined together in the same thread. Rimmer_Bradley, Slurry_Harry, Sidney_Wankstain and Selfish_Sex_with_a_Bicycle. Long may they post, a constant reminder of the random flawed specimens that evolution throws up.

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Both sides are as tedious as each other, pal. Everybody is a loser in this 6 month borefest.


That’s a really shit effort at changing posters’ names.

Like something a 12 year old might come up with.

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It’s time for him to migrate to again now. He adds nothing to the forum and I’m glad that you’ve taken the decision not to entertain his inane attention seeking long winded bile filled 3,000 word shite posts.

This place is fucked.




Ah ffs. Grow up

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You seem very confident of this statement. Do you come across a lot of 12 year olds in your line of work?

Hi @Horsebox, hows things buddy?

Well if it’s not my oul buddy, Mac. All is well with me, bro. Hope the family is doing great.

Glad to hear it mate. All good here thanks for asking. Any plans for the weekend?

Few pints tomorrow about the extent of it, pal. Birthday dinner for a good pal on Sunday. Nothing too exciting. It can’t be spring break every week.

Dinner on Sunday

Flesh that out?

It’s the main meal of the day on the last day of the week, mate.


@Sidney was minding his own business until Primrose & the Petals returned.

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Is there anything more indicative of being completely and utterly routed than changing a thread title? :smile:

The paedophilia-lovers of NAMBLA/NOGRA are reeling.

You couldn’t make it up. Well done, pal. Victory yet again.


I changed the thread title. Nothing to do with NOGRA. I just think you’ve jumped the shark