Sidney fiddler

You are taking things too seriously


This was started 5 years ago as a bit of banter with my god mate, Flatty ā€¦ I couldnā€™t foresee a load of boring bastards arguing about the same inane horseshit resurrecting and taking over the thread 5 years later.

Point noted tho.


So, itā€™s OK if I call you a pedophile and a member of a group that advocates for adults having sex with 5 year olds?

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If posters got banned for abusing, youā€™d be first out the door, mate. And deservedly so.

I havent read all his posts but the impression I got that he was mocking you for having a hero who was exposed as a paedo supporter this week

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Well, you would be wrong on all counts. Point me to where I said anything that suggested I admire Milo Yiannopoulos on anything he has said, let alone on the topic of Pederasty. If you must know my opinion of him, he is an annoying little attention whore, a bit like Sidney_Wankstain. He does force people to think though, which is the one redeeming quality I can think of. If he tries a bit harder, assuming heā€™s allowed to ever speak again in public, he might just educate people on the difference between Pederasty and Pedophilia.
Which is worth doing as homosexuals are frequently accused of being Pedophiles by ignorant morons.

So, again are you OK with my calling you a pedophile and a member of a group that advocates adults having sex with 5 year olds? Which Sidney_Wankstain has done, not just to me by the way, but other posters who have made no comment on Milo.

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Oh dear.

Lots of admiration in there for the simpletonā€™s thinking man.

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Thats a clamping

These Galway nonces donā€™t like it up them.


They sure donā€™t. Sid loves it up him, as he has repeatedly alluded to.

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If you think thatā€™s a clamping then you are a moron. Which is sad, given I had you pegged as intelligent.

There is nothing in that post that expresses admiration for Milo. I was and reiterate the utter hypocrisy of morons, this time on the left and right who are outraged at him. If Milo were liberal there would be outrage at a gay man who was sexually assaulted as a child being attacked. If he were a Muslim imagine the screaming, never mind the fact that in many Muslim countries men can legally marry 9 to 12 year old girls (but itā€™s their culture so itā€™s OK).

So, you canā€™t answer the question. Fair enough.

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Hi Mate.

If youā€™re going to use a word, at least try and understand its meaning. Nounce is a compliment, you utter, utter moron. You did get likes from the other retarded morons though so you should be rightly pleased.

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Can @anon7035031 & his sisters just apologise to @Sidney so we can all get on with our E-lives?

They all went into hiding for no apparent reason, suddenly all reappear and immediately start into @Sidney who was basically just minding his own business. E bullying like this is not cool.



Look up what the word ā€œadmireā€ means.

You donā€™t have to say ā€œI admire this personā€ for you to portray admiration for them. This is more really basic stuff that unfortunately has to be explained to you, as usual.

Perhaps English is not your first language. Iā€™ve absolutely no problem with that.

But remember, youā€™re the one that wants immigrants out so you can wallow in a mono-ethnic, mono-cultural hellhole. Ironically you donā€™t even understand the meaning of basic words of the vernacular of this mono-ethnic, mono-cultural hellhole which you desire.

This is some load of bollix. The forum was ticking along without @KinvarasPassion and suddenly these shower of dirty rats appear back and contaminate the entire forum with bile.
They drag any and every thread down to their level of dirt and a ā€˜la la i donā€™t live in Galway anymore banesā€™ levels of inane repetitive dirge.
I can see where our cherished mate @Sidney is coming from by trying to reason with your mans 2,5000 word replies, unfortunately @Sidney pal, you wonā€™t win with wankers like these lads. Just let them ā€˜winā€™ and ignore them and theyā€™ll die a quick death.


@sidney will never bow down, be broken or be defeated.

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Ah, Iā€™d normally agree and advocate a constant barrage of him back at whatever cause it is.
This time though heā€™d be as well off to ignore them sad fucks.The recent posts have really let them down, Iā€™m even surprised @Tassotti is still allied to them, Mr Duplicity himself normally picks a better bedfellow.