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Especially with a bottle of Bucky in hand!

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Couple of Kerry women there with Damien, just acknowledging reality

Anseo. Gaillimh abu



Saw them beat Kildare in 98 and beating Meath in 01. Saw the drawn game and loss to Kerry in 200 also, so be good to see them turn that one around this time.

You are welcome buddy.

Gaillimh abu ta fuck

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That’s magnificent and could be a ‘This is your life’ moment for myself.

Now excuse me while I go and feed Fungi, who I kidnapped some time ago in anticipation of us facing the yerra’s in an AIF.

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I’m calling TNH on this purely because you wouldn’t be alive to tell the tale.

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Fait play to @maurice_brown , 9 years waiting to make an impressive debut post.
Shows the interest this final is generating. H’on Galway……


July 13th or July 2013

I’d say the former?

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The sawdoctors are some lads to run with the hare and the hounds.
Gaillimh Abu my brethren.
I’d greatly appreciate a YouTube link as soon as one becomes available, ideally one not geoblocked, and I’ll watch it pseudo -live.
Until then, signing out.
(Going surfing lessons)

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They’re like all Galway people - they want to be from Mayo.

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Wore a Kerry polo shirt to the qf/sf’s. I’m no turncoat. Out. But if Galway won, I’d be happy all the same. Seeing the lads crying their hearts out whilst bursting out N17 in the shadow of the Hogan Stand after the penalties will live long in the memory.

you should be able to work the same IPTV if you have a phone or tablet with you. even PC you can use.

The love we’re getting from all and sundry is heartening to see.

PJs magic maroon army have untied the entire forum. I never thought I’d see the day that would happen


Hopefully that includes the prisoners in MBB’s basement.

They’ll be marooned on sunday night whatever happens.

Heartening to see you forensically analysing my posts. You may be right though.
I don’t think it matters in the overall scheme of things.