Sign In If You're An American

Happy Independence day to TFK’s American community and lovers of freedom everywhere.


What about Native American Indians who love freedom?

Thanks mate

Native Americans alive today? They have the same legal rights as all other US citizens, and some unique rights like gaming operations and hunting and fishing that are denied to other citizens.

They have all them burial grounds too

Signing in. The greatest country on earth.


Freedom is hard won and easily lost.

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Anybody have any idea when will the gates open ?

My favourite band are the Eagles, so naturally, I love Uncle Sam.

Signing In.

What gates?

I think Boris the Brave might convince Joe to open up but I would be fearful now. They’ve dug themselves into a hole.


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Letting us back in

Are you not allowed to travel now?

Nope. Unless you’ve a US passport.

Assume the likes of Shane Lowry and Padraig get in on some sort of work/business visas?

Well you can apply for a visa but everyone is getting turned down as far as I know.

Lowry lives over there anyway.

Didn’t know that. I’ve more or less stopped listening to the news

Don’t think there is much made about it in the news. Maybe there is. I’ve other reasons for knowing about it.
I think you’ll get in if you really really (essentially) need to etc

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Just fly to mekiko and dander across at your leisure