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If I throw a dog a bone, I don’t want to know if it tastes nice or not. You cunt.

Greaseball wiseguys out in force

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I love you mate (but not in a gay way).

Brady says hi.


Is Brady a fox?


He’s a very good boy.

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The parade was full of greasy Italians. Some of them looked like extras from the Sopranos

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The wops won’t have a bad word said about Columbus, the pillaging bastard

What a great holiday the 4th of July is. Out in the backyard at nearly 9PM, not dark yet, but lots of bang bang, local fireworks and a few gunshots. Everyone having backyard parties, loud voices and music on all sides. Weather from here until October will be phenomenal.


The Greatest Country in the World, mate.


@Tierneevin1979 when will I be allowed back on holidays? I’m planning new road trips every day here


It does seem a little unfair that I can travel to Ireland as long as I promise to quarantine for 14 days, yet you coming from a relatively Covid free country cannot travel here. I’m surprised restrictions have not been lifted by now.

Happy Independence day to TFK’s American community and lovers of freedom everywhere.


What about Native American Indians who love freedom?

Thanks mate

Native Americans alive today? They have the same legal rights as all other US citizens, and some unique rights like gaming operations and hunting and fishing that are denied to other citizens.

They have all them burial grounds too