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And there it is


Sid tells Labane to jump

Labane says “how high?”

So, so easy



You’re off your meds again aren’t you.

Tut tut

How much time would a lad need on a stopover in Newark to get downtown, eat a greasy omelette with fried spuds on the side, have bottomless coffee and remark at the ould Greek lad in Scotty’s before getting back to the airport for a domestic flight to the mid west?

Traffic can be heavy . Give yourself three hours.

I would recommend Utah. Not because it’s Republican or Democrat but because there’s so few people there it doesnt matter

I will live in Montana. And I will marry a round American woman and raise rabbits, and she will cook them for me. And I will have a pickup truck… maybe even a “recreational vehicle.” And drive from state to state.

Eating buckets of pancakes for breakfast, driving to different national parks and firing your shotgun out the window of your pickup truck. I’ll admit I’m often jealous of the @anon7035031 lifestyle

Red October

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Some Americans have savage problems with their weight, absolutely fucking savage. Its horrendous to see the condition some people are in here

They disgrace humanity with their savage obesity.

Its grotesque. Some poor bastards would turn your stomach looking at them. They must have savage mental health issues

Very, very weak people who let their urges have total control over them.

It really is the greatest country in the world


People have the choice to eat themselves to death or live healthy lifestyles. Those that choose to eat themselves to death demand free healthcare paid for by those who live healthy lifestyles.

You couldn’t make it up.

Happy Columbus day my fellow Italian/Irish American friends.

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that’s an afront to my people

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Your spelling is an affront


Punctuation also.