Significant people's (not celebrities) deaths

Pat Robertson politician and evangelist. Probably as good a place as any to start if you were looking to blame somebody for the looneyness of the Republican party.


The original

During the week of September 11, 2001, Robertson interviewed Jerry Falwell, who expressed his own opinion that ā€œthe ACLU has to take a lot of blame for thisā€ in addition to ā€œthe pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays, and the lesbians [who have] helped [the terror attacks of September 11th] happen.ā€ Robertson replied, ā€œI totally concurā€.


Sure thereā€™s a load of posters here who have very similar views.

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The lads asking questions are having a minutes silence at 6pm

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Bronwyn Conroys death notice is in the paper today.

I know if two Bronwyns. Both arenā€™t far off what I imagine this lady to be like.

The Unabomber

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People referring to him as ā€œUncle Tedā€ always creeped me out.

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John Hollins, ex footballer and manager. Chelsea Iā€™m sure and probably numerous other clubs.

Big Rons Asst Manager at Harchester as well.

Face in the crowd at the 1982 World Cup final @3:10.

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Thats class!

Gordon McQueen former man United and Scotland great.

Won a title with Leeds, suspended for 75 European Cup final


Jesus thereā€™s a shock- R.I.P.

He hadnā€™t been well.

Hadnā€™t he Motor Neurone Disease or something?

Yeah, if not that, something along those lines.


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