Significant people's (not celebrities) deaths

Don’t know that. Not that familiar with the case. Wasn’t his conviction quashed and the Crown Prosecution Service didn’t prosecute again?

Didn’t he wear an orange T-shirt inside his jersey so the green wouldn’t touch his skin?

No idea, you are the rugby man

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They must have re-admitted him

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You’re a big rugby man as well now aren’t you?

He was sent to jail in 2012. He served 4 years before his conviction was overturned on a technicality. The prosecution service declined to go through a retrial because he had served the vast majority of the time he would have served under his original conviction so he would have served no further time.

In addition to that conviction he had convictions for assault and drink driving and had previously been acquitted of sexual assault on two different girls. He also admitted under oath to physical abuse of his wife. Throw in the fact that he was an unreconstructed bigot and troublemaker and you’d have to wonder how he never figured in the shake up for TFK Cunt of the Year.


You can be sure he was a cunt when you see the cunts who “paying tribute” to him

Very sad to learn of the death of my good friend and Brother David Tweed I have known Davy all my life and I am just…

Posted by John Finlay on Friday, October 29, 2021

He sounds like a real jerk


An absolute stones of a man I’d say. No redeeming features.

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You have to be Irish to qualify for COTY.


At a Ballymena council meeting after the sectarian murder of 15 year old Michael McIlveen in the town at the hands of loyalist scum, he cast aspersions on the McIveen family and lied about threats being made to Protestants in the town.


No, I believe it was a Ballymena or an Ulster jersey that he wore under the Ireland jersey. Sportsmen are often a superstitious lot and have been known to wear a number of jerseys. Brendan Cummins the former Tipperary goalkeeper for instance, I believe used to wear a Peter Schmeichel Man U jersey and his Ballybacon Grange club jersey underneath his Tipperary jersey.

@ChairmanDan out batting for Davy Tweed today


I’ve always liked @ChairmanDan but this seems a particularly desolate hill for him to die on.


He wore an Ulster jersey under the Ireland jersey. What they were doing giving this useless cunt his debut at 35 years of age is anyones guess.


The type of fella who would have got a lot of votes on this forum if he’d been in politics, if he hadn’t been a Unionist.

He was the oldest debutant in the history of international rugby when he got his first cap in 1995 against France, almost 36. Not sure if that record still stands. I have a hazy recollection that someone else laid claim to it a few years ago. If memory serves me correct, both Davy Tweed and another man who had his travails with the law, Eddie Halvey, were both called up on the morning of the match, both for their first caps, to replace Paddy Johns and Ben Cronin (from Waterford) who had both taken ill. Neither got a mention in the match programme the day they earned their first caps as neither were even in the original six selected replacements.

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After a lifetime of divisive actions the late Davy has brought off all that was deemed an impossibility a day ago - he’s united all on the TFK forum.

It seems unanimous, Davy was a cunt and a wrong wan to boot.


Did Ben Cronin ever get a cap after? He played for Garryowen didn’t he?

He got at least one anyway I was in Murrayfield around the time I started college and he was playing. A v big man by the standards of them days.