Significant people's (not celebrities) deaths

You have your moments alright

A brave woman. Clearly her father was a scumbag and no loss to society

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Clara on Twitter: “@mickthehack This Davy Tweed?” / Twitter

why dont we gather round the fire & let @ChairmanDan regale us one more time about Tweeds career


Makes my stomach sick reading that

Austin Currie RIP.

He shook my hand and I shook his hand at a bus stop at 8am one morning in November 1992, although I was not eligible to vote.

Austin Currie

If you don’t have anything good to say, best not say anything at all.

A good man.

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He was a cunt. How’s that?


That he was.


He got enough votes to make sure the second holiest Mary whoever walked Gods earth got a life pension and free trips to Dubai for life. That’s what he’ll be remembered for


Someone throw up the video of Adams destroying him on the Late Late.

RIP Austin

Anyone remember what book I’m thinking of ? The opening chapter described Austin Curries auld man cycling cross country to be denied a house . A law abiding honest man who even the local unionist neighbors respected and liked.
It’s bugging me now, must have read it well over 20 years ago

I watched that ‘interview’ a while back… an unbelievable display from Gerry. His savvy and calm in the face of Rev.Ian Paisley-esque whipped-up emotional, hate-filled holier-than-thou west brits was akin to Floyd Mayweather slipping punches in a media day training session. Like a fox slipping the hounds.

The RTE agenda was laid bare that night.

A pioneer of the Civil Rights struggle.

After pouring out an inner sewer of cynicism and bitterness over a very sensitively made documentary about the death of a hugely respected broadcaster, it’s not surprising to see the same poster doing similar after the death of a man who stood up and actually achieved real gains for his people, who as a result was constantly attacked by both Loyalist and Nationalist thugs, and whose wife had UVF carved into her breast in one such thuggish attack.


F.W de Klerk

Sorry to hear that. He was outstanding Lethal Weapon 2


Gerald Sinstadt. You’d have to be of a certain age to remember him. The Big Match on UTV. Sportsnight.