Significant people's (not celebrities) deaths



Be some session when he catches up with Eileen. Bars won’t be closing at 8pm in heaven tonight.

Roche and Eileen Flynn took on the Holy Faith nuns in the courts in the early 1980’s and lost.


It took a bit of courage to take on the church/state in the 1980s.


Can you refresh my memory? What was it about?

Holy Faith nuns sacked Eileen Flynn as a teacher as she was in a relationship and became pregnant by a married man Richie Roche, who was separated from his wife.

She took an Unfair Dismissal case which went all the way to the High Court. Court found that a Catholic school run by a religious order were entitled to act as they had to uphold their Catholic values and ethos.


Thanks for that. Iirc there was a relatively recent interview with the woman on rte.

Eileen Flynn died about 15 years ago.

I must be thinking of the wrong case then.

There was plenty of support both locally and beyond for the actions of the Holy Faith nuns at the time. My own mother who was educated in the same Holy Faith school in New Ross in the late 1940’s/early 1950’s and who had a sister a Holy Faith nun wholeheartedly supported the stance taken by the nuns.

There was a RTE Documentary on 1 made about in 1997, might have been replayed recently


No. I was mixing it up with another case. I was mixing it up with the case of a female garda who became pregnant by a male guard who was married back in the day. I cant remember if she was fired or transferred. She was interviewed during the summer I’d say by Katie Hannon

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It was the beginning of the end for the dominance of the State by the church. Sane people began to see what an insane organisation the church was. Perfectly good teacher fucked out of a job.

It was coming regardless. There was a slow build up throughout the 1980’s. Think case in the High Court came before Declan Costello, who was not a good draw for Ms Flynn. I do recall there was talk or a feeling that she’d have had a decent shot at winning on appeal in the Supreme Court but they couldn’t roll the dice and take the risk of losing on appeal.

Declan’s daughter is a High Court judge now.

That must have been around 1982?

It was.

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There was a documentary on it played on RTE radio in summer 2019.

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Court of qppeal

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