Sing Song Etiquette

Whats the etiquette if some auld lad is singing / reciting some old miserable Irish song / poem that will depress the shite of the crowd - like something straight out of Peig Sayers. It only works when thereā€™s total silence but itā€™ll usually kill the atmosphere completely wherever it is.

One singer one song is a load of bollocks. Share it round by all means but the only thing worse than some cock wanting to sing every tune is watching someone being forced to sing(usually by a member of an older generation) when they donā€™t want to. If they do, itā€™s invariably nervy and shite and you feel even worse about a chat during it.

Itā€™s time to slink respectfully away for a smoke/piss. Itā€™s like leaving a dancefloor when a DJ puts on something shit. They know all about it and it discourages them from a repeat.

So you donā€™t know the words of Long Way from Clare to Here?

hmmm, when did this happen to you? I saw it for the first time last Friday night in Doolin

Early Friday morning in the Malton in Killarneyā€¦ Looks like there is an epidemic.

Sing songs should not take over the pub and lads who are not in the sing song are free to chat away amongst themselves. The likes of the old timer that Dunph met deserved a box in the ear for his rudeness.

Rival sing songs are also acceptable if the initial offering is of a substandard nature.


Upside down


My brother knows Karl Marx

Iā€™ve got more rhymes than the bibleā€™s got psalms

Hand Me Down The Bible so.

I like my living and my liquor hard
Wonā€™t the Lord save my soul?



I was talking to Lismore lady this morning and her husbands party piece is throwing a bucket on his head and singing, apparently itā€™s a tradition down your side?

Yeah there was a famous band down that way.

In 1803, we sailed out to sea
We were out from the sweet town of Derry
Oh for Australia bound,
If we didnā€™t all drown
The marks of fethers we carried
In rusty iron chains,
We cried for our weans
And our good wives we left in sorrow
As the main sails unfurled
Our curses we hurled
On the English and thoughts of tomorrow


Oh, oh oh oh
I wish I was back home in Derry


Used to give that a blast when I lived in Sydney. I went on a working holiday rather than in chains but it still resonated with me


Please make it stop

Play wonderwall