Sing Song Etiquette

The use of smart phones to find lyrics in the middle of a sing song is completly forbidden. You either KNOW the words or you dont.

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Songs from the following are strictly forbidden. Mary Black, Frances Black, Oasis, Bob Dylan

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Thatā€™s ridiculous carry on. I was at a sing song where a woman produced a load of song books and recommended songs for people to sing and gave them the lyrics if required.

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The use of physical movements to emphasise the meaning of the song is completly accceptable and welcome.

Examples includeā€¦

Mimicking the throwing of a grenade over your shoulder during the line - ā€œThen a big Turkish shell knocked me arse over headā€


I man in my local pulls out the words of Raglan Road everytime thereā€™s a singsong and demands silence to sing it. Thereā€™s a sing song every couple of weeks and he has the words on a page in his wallet. Youā€™d think the cunt would learn them.
I am guilty of sitting the phone on the counter one night while singing as I only knew some of the words. Has it nicely hidden between two baskets of cocktail sausages though so got away with it. All my party pieces had been sang.

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If you dont know the entire song, dont fucking start it. Nothing worse than a lad starting a song and then dying half way through it, thereby ruining that song for someone who would actually know it in its entirety.

Yes, getting away with it is fine. However some jump up cunt, holding the phone up in front of him during line of the songā€¦ :guns:

My stash of tunes ran low at a wedding at the weekend alsoā€¦ The shitpot of songs that include the likes of t
The Wild Rover and Dirty Old Town had to be dipped into which was unfortunate but neccessary.

Ones that I must learn isā€¦ Its a long way from Clare to here, a noble song.

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Not an easy song to sing itā€™s a long way from Clare to here. [quote name=ā€˜Kinvaraā€™s Passionā€™ timestamp=ā€˜1314647991ā€™ post=ā€˜524746ā€™]

Yes, getting away with it is fine. However some jump up cunt, holding the phone up in front of him during line of the songā€¦ :guns:

My stash of tunes ran low at a wedding at the weekend alsoā€¦ The shitpot of songs that include the likes of t
The Wild Rover and Dirty Old Town had to be dipped into which was unfortunate but neccessary.

Ones that I must learn isā€¦ Its a long way from Clare to here, a noble song.

I was reduced to singing Cliffs of Dooneen and Ride On one night. Usually some young buck at his first singsong clears them outta the way early.

thats a hard one to sing kinvara,id be more of a spancil hill man meself

Getting passionate about a song about a county other than your own is acceptableā€¦ The actions Fr Murphy from Old Kilcormack would stir anyman.

Racial slurs are acceptable when speaking of the English however skin colour should not be an excuse for verbal thuggery. Yes, he stole Peggy Dignam but go easy with the black thing.

Presumably leaving out verses that you canā€™t remember and singing the two verses you do know twice is still ok.

Whatā€™s the general stance on the ā€˜One singer, one songā€™ rule? Iā€™ve been at singalongadingdongs where this was heavily enforced and others where it was positively discouraged.
Itā€™s a hard one to gauge

If the sing-song is taking place in a pub, youā€™re entitled to chat amongst yourselves, without having some kunt telling you to ā€œgive her a chance ladsā€. I have personally exercised this entitlement given that we werenā€™t in fcuking Carnegie Hall.

I was in that dive Nancy Blakes in Limerick a few months ago, had just walked in the door and up to the bar actually with two other fellas. There was a bit of a sing song going just inside the door, a couple of old timers and their teenage kids. The pub was very busy and there was loud chat. Anyway one of the lads ordered some pints off the barman, some joke was made and we laughed. one of the old timers from the sing song was standing nearby. He came over and slammed his fist off the counter and roared ā€œShut upā€. Old bastard. We just laughed at him, but on reflection someone should have laid him out. Nothing worse than people taking these things too seriously.

The ultra trad heads are Naziā€™s for silence.

That said, there is nothing worse than being mid song and some cunt starts talking loudly.

Clare to Here shouldnā€™t be that hard to learn KP. Itā€™s only a couple of lines per verse!
Brave man to sing Waltzing Matilda at a sing song too, youā€™d want to be a very good singer to pull off any ā€œseriousā€ song over 3/4 verses withou people getting bored.

Spot on. I cant stand lads hushing the pub up. Itā€™s always some old fooker trying to sing streets of new york anyway. ā€˜Weā€™ve heard it a million times before buddyā€™ā€¦

A Snipers Promise is the greatest sing song ballad going and should be sang with dead silence in the room

I sang a rebel song once at a sing song while there were protestants presentā€¦

This shit should not be allowed in pubsā€¦ Nothing worse than enjoying a few pints and some cunts murdering songs and the other half hushing you up.

I have never taken part nor will I in one of these.