Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

The accountants wouldn’t want to set a precedent, just in case other funds were called into question.

Cllr. John Burtchaell-Socialist Party & Solidarity on Twitter: “My Motion calling for the abolition of the cruel practice of Hare Coursing has just been passed at @Fingalcoco meeting. No cllrs opposed but surprised to see Sinn Fein reps abstain. What is the @sinnfeinireland position on this savage practice? @banbloodsports @RuthCoppingerSP” / Twitter

SF IRA want to hunt with the hounds and run with the hare


Arguably the greatest SF man of them all. RIP.
I just spotted this elsewhere today and said I’d slot it in here. Fíor Gael….


Horrible tweet

He made Si cry (possibly), pretty stupid tweet by Kwasis pal in fairness

Perhaps I’m missing something but I don’t get why it’s apparently so offensive?

They are stooping so low recently that they are going to lose the middle ground voter back to FF & FG the clowns.


It’s better than machine gunning them I suppose.

What’s the problem with the tweet?

What’s the story here? There’s nothing in that tweet that’s anyway offensive?

Explain the tweet to us there Dr Brady

You’d expect he’ll delete the tweet shortly.

It’s not got the reaction he expected.

It’s obvious that the context of the tweet is to compare British evictions of peasants to modern Ireland. It is crass and needless and will backfire. I believed O’Broin to be one of the more intelligent and reasonable of the Shinners. This is toeing the party line and trying to capitalise on on a perceived populist belief in his own importance.

It’s a stupid and needless move.


There’s been some high profile illegal evictions in recent years where the gardai stood by and did nothing or even supported the private security companies. Widely reported gardai are referring landlords to private companies to effect evictions. The message is that is the policy of the establishment. In that context the tweet is fair.

On the other hand Harris has a good point and it’s not a good look for a prospective minister to be attacking the gardai like that, O’Broin should have had a bit more sense there.

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You don’t have to agree with an eviction ban to agree O’Broin’s point and the way he made it is legitimate. You don’t have to oppose the Gardai as the forces of the state to oppose how Gardai are used sometimes, or Garda behaviour.

Fine Gael are objecting to the tweet and playing the “offensive” card because it’s effective and rings true, not in all cases, but in a hell of a lot of cases coming down the tracks.

I don’t find it remotely offensive. I think it packs a serious punch and makes a serious point.

The bleating about it is Mary Whitehouse stuff.

Impressive he hadnt lost his phone and was able to register his disgust i suppose…