Six Nations 2019

Ya and after the game it’s all whip,snap,crack.

It was a fine coincidence that all the weather affected were to be seated in the same area of the stadium! Fair play to the organisers ensuring that the cameras were on the same side as the empty stand to give the illusion the place was reasonably full, but hopefully World Rugby are not fooled and start to recognise the trouble the game is in there.


Fair empty.

Gatty is the greatest rubby coach of all time

Couldn’t sleep right and proper last night, today is huge. Going to be a great atmosphere around central London, going out early to get a good seat in the pub for it

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@Fagan_ODowd loves that lad. He did a fancy behind the back pass on his debut and Fagan proclaimed that he would be the best 9 in the world within a few seasons.

The soccer types are just besides themselves now that prime rugby season is upon us again. @Halfpipe reckons the 2023 World Cup should be taken off France because a few fans couldn’t make it, into the ground last night because of the extreme arctic weather conditions that have crippled the UK and Continental Europe these past few days.

I don’t recall @Halfpipe having a whole lot to say about all the funny business that saw Qatar get the soccer World Cup or all the slave Labour from the sub-continent who are slaving and dying in 50 degree heat to make this vanity project happen for the soccer types.

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Paris didnt have arctic conditions yesterday

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30 planes full of Welsh supporters didn’t get out due to snow in Bristol and Cardiff. I thought the micks could get proper television stations in spudland in their mudhuts? it was all over the news coverage

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Do the welch have an international airport?

Hopefully u have your Engerland jersey pressed and ironed

I’m a proud Irish rugby supporter

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A lot of rubby men have been critical of midweek football attendances.

A two thirds empty stadium for a Friday night match isn’t a good look for rubby.


6000 Taffs didn’t make it over due to the weather please stop conflating Rugby Union with Association Football.

Explaining = losing

Are the wheels off the french banwagon

Didn’t realize it was that empty… @GeoffreyBoycott calling +2 degrees Celsius as artic :smile:

The yanks had -50 and were strolling around in shorts.

Didn’t think it was a great game myself. Wales were hopeless first half and made France look good. An awful lot of kicking back and fourth… That’s just the way it’s gone these days.

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What weather? You simple cunt…

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He’s all over the shop, he was insinuating that Chile was an apartheid state last night.

It’s all the same for scummy soccer fans whether they play at the weekend or midweek. Most of them are either social welfare spongers or hipsters who don’t work. Big ask on rugby supporters to make matches outside of the weekend. Most rugby fans have jobs. There is obviously a constituency of rugby fans who are so privileged that work is optional or from the self-employed entrepreneurial classes that can work around things, but it’s probably not as sizable as you would think.

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