Six Nations Rugby Championship 2020 - The Greatest Marketing Show in Town

Bar Robbie Henshaw of course.


He’s been very impressive tonight

Brilliant stuff in fairness. Motored through the one tackle that came near too.

The win tonight is worth 5 million. Can’t be doing too much experimenting.

I’m usually a very big critic of the guy but murray has been very good there tonight.

If they score two more tries and win do they win regardless of point difference?

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Ed Byrne and Ultan Dillane wouldn’t fill you with hope as the impact subs (finishers as Eddie Jones calls them).


Stockdale some bucket of shit tonight



Henshaw is 10 times the player a useless cunt like Stockdale is. But rugby politics is what it is.

Classic POM making a terrible decision by passing to stocktale. Pass was on for anyone else

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In fairness to Henshaw, that try was O’Driscoll-esque

This is mighty

That was some fucking catch by the French lad before the pelanty

This would be one of the most results in Irish sporting history.

I know. Let’s try a line out maul again.

The lineout is appalling