Six Nations Rugby Championship 2020 - The Greatest Marketing Show in Town


If that’s a drop…

Shameful from Hogg

Jaysus that’s brutal from Hogg.

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He’s such a wanker. I’m delighted with that.

This is clearly fixed

That is totally embarrassing

I’m in a great pub here in dublin 8, surrounded by fat dubs in Liverpool jerseys shouting " come on scotland"

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Ireland seem to be tackling a lot with their heads.

Another fella ko’d. All joking aside this game is not safe

That’s just incredible from a player of Hogg’s class and experience.

Quinlan seemed genuinely surprised that the Scots are making an effort

Can’t cope with the cauldron like atmosphere at the stadium.

Sure all week all ive been hearing is about how much ireland woild win by.They’d sicken your hole.I hope the jocks bate em but it doesn’t look like it

some of our commentators\analysts seem to have forgotten that our world cup was nearly as shite as scotlands

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Who’s Bill Phase?

Wrong thread

Not before time

Now il tell ya in the next 20 min if cooney is any good or not