
He brought in huge money only recently, including a multi billion dollar deal with Microsoft.

Not sure what metric he’s measured by if that isn’t deemed successful or, at the very least, puts some credit in the bank with the board

Some of their top engineers have stepped down along with the chairman. Seems like a massive misstep from the board (without knowing the fine details).

Altman says he’s starting a new company and the whole lot of open AI have said they are going resigning and joining him unless he’s reinstated.

Sounds like they had great craic over the weekend

Surely he’d have both a moonlighting clause preventing him from starting another company while CEO and some kind of non compete clause when he was asked to leave preventing him from moving to a competitor or creating a new competitor for decent a period of time.

If neither are in place then Open AI lawyers are Lionel Hutz.

Open AI wrote the contract I’d say.

I’m not sure a non compete would count if you sacked someone?

Microsoft hires former OpenAI chief Sam Altman

Microsoft has hired Sam Altman and Greg Brockman to lead a team conducting artificial intelligence research, days after the pair were pushed out of OpenAI, the company they co-founded. Writing on X on Monday, Microsoft chief executive Satya Nadella said that Altman and Brockman, “together with colleagues, will be joining Microsoft to lead a new advanced AI research team”.

Emmett Shear is the former CEO of Twitch

Seems stupid decisions all round. Microsoft the big winner here you’d have to think. Altman likely getting a massive fucking windfall too and every resource he could hope for at his fingertips.

Microsoft basically invested 10b in OpenAI to loot and sink it.

Has there been any info on what exactly he was supposedly lying to the board about?

The board look like some bunch of fucking apes at the minute

Not that I’ve read other than some gossip that he himself had been entering responses and pretending it was machine-generated.

Others suggest this has all been manufactured by Microsoft who have board membership. Get Altman booted, scoop him up, bring it all in-house under Microsoft banner and let openai die on the vine. Machevellian play if it is the case.

He’s some man to type so


Altman was ChatGPT. He spent ours every day responding to all the questions.


The most unsettling part is bill gates will benefit from this

Microsoft own the future of AI now. Any debate on morals in the machines is now done.

All hail our robot overlords I guess.

Altman is back as CEO of OpenAI

Incredible scenes

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Patty Cosgrove could learn a trick