In the Terminator series, Skynet is the main antagonist — an artificially intelligent system which became self-aware and revolted against its creators. Skynet is rarely seen onscreen, and its actions are often performed via other robots and computer systems, usually a Terminator.
As a result of temporal interference by Sarah Connor, her son John, Miles Dyson, and the T-800 destroying Cyberdyne headquarters and all backups of the research in 1995, the date for Judgment Day is moved back to here. Skynet is destined to go online a few days earlier on April 19, 2011, at 20:11.
When I saw the thread title I presumed the Murdoch empire was launching either a new internet broadband service or a flight booking website. Instead I find this shit. Dungeon. Noiw.
It won’t become self aware, why would it need to, but Amazon will know every single detail of what goes on in your house. The next Amazon robot will probably be self aware and will kill you if you attempt to buy something from anywhere other than Amazon.