Slava Ukraini! NSFW (careful what you click!)

Oleksii Novikov just won Europe’s Strongest Man

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This tank commander lost his head and his turret

You have to hand it to Boris. While the rest of the world was twiddling its thumbs and edgelords the world over were trying ever so harder than ever to be edgy, good old Bojo just got stuck in and provided Zelensky with all the arms he needed to win the war and rid the world of Putin scum.
His finest hour

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Hard to feel sorry for the cunts

Fuck them

Amazed the Ukrainians are still holding out there. Would have imagined they would have run out of food and ammo by now but I read somewhere they are still getting supplies through to them despite being encircled.

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Probably buying them off Russian army units

Piled up like the dead rats they are.

'Hon our boys and girls

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Great to hear about more “cargo 200” scattered around Ukraine.


Horrific cunts .

Fucking animal

One death isn’t enough for these Orcs

Shove it up your bollix Russian Flagship.

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Where did this happen buddy?