I got 0 hours. Like a zombie today. If I get 10 tonight I won’t complain
The Calm app is an absolute game changer
6-6.5 hours is as much as I’ll get on school nights.
If I’m asleep for 10pm, I’m awake for 4.30am… Asleep for 11 and it’s 5.30am.
Its a solid sleep in fairness but I wouldn’t mind the odd sleep on till 7am, never happens though, the mind is active within minutes of waking and there is no shutting it down again.
Any tips on keeping the brain disengaged when waking early?
The same as… 6 if I’m lucky… And there’s no such thing ss going back to sleep.
Creatures of habit I suppose. You have to trust the body and assume its getting what it needs.
One things that’s undeniable for me though… The 10pm to 4.30am window is a far better sleep than the 12am to 6.30am equivalent.
They say an hours sleep before midnight is worth two after
The earlier you fall asleep the better. There’s a window between about 10-11PP where if you fall asleep then you’ll get a decent 6 hours. Once you go past midnight the chances of a decent sleep greatly diminish.
I was about to pay up for the headspace one today. Know what the difference between them is? cc @TheUlteriorMotive, think you used this as well.
Lads that drive to work and sit at a desk all day buying apps to help them sleep
Don’t know that one. I got Calm for free (@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy) through some uk deal sign up thing. Lebron is a brand ambassador so you know it’s good.
I find the quality of sleep gives me much more energy at my stand up desk (@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy) after my train (@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy) commute to work
Need a hand up off the floor mate?
Shared a room with a friend of mine last night. Snoring cunting cunt! But that aside I reckon he has sleep apnea. That’s dangerous right?
Melatonin is a great auld yoke reset you if you get a couple of bad nights in a row. Always handy to have a jar of it lying around. Need a prescription here, but you can buy it like Smarties in Spain.
I use Breethe but I think they are all fairly similar. YouTube has a few examples from them all if you want to trial them
Any lad not using a stand up desk needs his hips examined.
Ditto. I listen to load of classical chill out music on spotify anything to avoid brain clicking into work mode at that time
It is here should go get checked asap. Is he/she overweight ?
Depends how severe it is - my cousin had moderate for a while till he lost a chunk of weight. Did they sound like they stopped breathing and started choking? Main cause is weight around the neck narrowing the air passage. They should get a sleep study done. You’re supposed to declare it on your driving license too.
The meditation apps are good for increasing the length of “deep sleep”.
I find any amount of alcohol reduces deep sleep to almost nothing so while you may be asleep you are not being restored.