Sleepy Joe Supporters, Lets make 2020 count for something

President O’ Biden big announcement incoming guys

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It’s going to be hilarious to see the Trump loving headbangers combust when Uncle Joe gets a massive welcome in Ireland.

Without the Democrats there would be no peace in our land

Whats your absolutely favourite thing about trench warfare?

Who’s dropping over the shamrock this year lads?

Gary Limericker

Gary’s a good lad

You have to hand it to clinton. We were massive beneficiaries of his charisma and good will.

The far right loons hate him

You know he’s a good sort so

I can divulge that Joe is visiting Scotland to celebrate St Patrick’s day.

It was great that the Democrats could finally meet a bunch of Republicans who weren’t total headbangers.

Chuckle. We’ll maybe see an outbreak of patriotism

The Irish people love Bill and Hillary for bringing peace to our land

It was like Italia 90 all over again.

When President O’ Biden visits I think it will represent a new chapter for our land

It’s great that America once again has a president in control of his faculties and who isn’t a Putin-allied fascist headbanger.

Its been a tough week for the usual suspects, no wonder they had to call for backup cc @Tierneevin1979

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They sounded the klaxons.

I’m the only person on this site who voted for Joe mate, not alone that I voted for him 4 times.