Sleepy Joe Supporters, Lets make 2020 count for something

BeJaysus but MickalĆ©Ć©n D will have to go for the bed as soon as Sleepy Joe fucks offā€¦ā€¦
Heā€™s beat, hobbling along on a shillelagh nearly as big as himself.

Heā€™d want to sit a good bit further back from the table for a few months - Joe was looking at his gut with a disdainful if patronising smile as if to say ā€œdonā€™t drop dead on me here you fat little fuckerā€ā€¦.


Itā€™s a full time job keeping him upright nowadays. Joes time might come quicker than we think

Joe probably asked Miggledy did he have any Steradent to spare

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Heā€™s almost completely spherical these days.

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Heā€™s a long time with his snout in the trough at this stage

As long as he keeps those cunts up north and across the water seethings, all good.


Definitely whispering up the RA in her ear there


I reckon Sleepy Eamon has the hands in the pockets ala Rog.

A mixture of gas and gout

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TFKs deplorable brigade gone very quiet on this historic day

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Creepy Leo is well jel in the background.

Heā€™s flying home tomorrow isnā€™t he? Just another day of this media Bidengasm to get through.

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I think the Irish people are at their best when US presidents visit.

The good ones, like Kennedy, Clinton, Obama and Biden are enthusiastically welcomed countrywide. The monsters like Reagan, Bush and Trump are cold shouldered.

I remember me oulā€™ fella saying about how one day around the mid 60s or so he was walking up Oā€™Connell Street and there was a mild commotion outside the Gresham Hotel. He asked somebody what the story was and was told ā€œEisenhower who used to be US President is in thereā€. Me oulā€™ fella looked and there was the bould Ike himself. Then me oulā€™ fella walked home.

Ireland knows.


He has a busy programme with the Rhubarbs. Be epic if he opened with ā€œthem cussed Rossiesā€ heā€™d have them eating out of his hand. The potential for a roaster-fest is off the charts.

Potential appearances from Ringer, Inda Kinny, assorted Flynns, Burkes, Oā€™Sheas et alā€¦ā€¦


An American couple were on the same train as me oulā€™ fella sometime circa the early 1980s.

He overheard them say: ā€œIs it Ba-lee-nah or Ba-lie-nah?ā€

US media is currently calling it ā€œBollin-ehā€

Joe wonā€™t make this mistake. And if he does, itā€™ll still be endearing.

90% of what somebody says is whoā€™s saying it, as somebody once said.

That pic with Mary Lou will drive the bigots up north demented:)

Joe giving a Tour de France here.


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The Greatest President of all time. What a time to be young Irish and beautiful