❄️ Snowflakes Thread (whigger warning)

great word,

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I’m with the anti wokes on this one. The epitome of looking for something to be offended by. They’re getting abuse now for the ‘tone deaf’ response.

They need to “own it” and “do better”

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Is Irish Twitter outraged by the woman who killed that poor baby or are they being sensible and realising one woman committing a vile act is not really representative of women generally ?

“toxic feminity” is a term that could gain great traction on irish twitter

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Toxic femininity might work better pal


You bastard

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Poor Gemma

“throwaway comment”.


This isn’t mad Gemma, it’s sponge Gemma

Sounds like he mugged Gemma right off

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Sounds like he was a bit of a mental case.

Bus driver sounds like a prick.

Neither of them come out of that situation well.

The bus driver seems a bit of a prick to wait weeks to gain revenge for a petty spat.

She doesn’t need to take a picture of him and plaster it all over twitter, no matter how badly he treated her. (And I’m guessing he has a different version of events)

The heat is driving bus drivers doolally.

Picking a fight with a mother and young child is never a good look.